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Please help the homeless and hungry old people of Jocotepec

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Please help the homeless and hungry old people of Jocotepec Empty Please help the homeless and hungry old people of Jocotepec

Post by rosfreed Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:06 pm

The Casa de Corzon in Jocotepec is having an Open House Party on Saturday 14th, from 12-4. It is sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion. who are providing food, drinks and music. Funds are desperately needed to renovate the Casa, which provided food and shelter for the homeless old folk of Joco. The Casa building was damaged by land subsidence last month, and now the old folk are back sleeping on the streets. Casa de Corazon also provided facilities for medical check ups, and a community room for socializing and to listen to audio books. There are about 15 "shut-ins" ( people who are unable to leave their houses because of age or illness) in Joco, and volunteers from Casa de Corazon provide food and care to these unfortunate people. They have no money or families to care for them.
We, the foreigners, who live here or spend winters are cared for by the Mexicans, who welcome us into their community and treat us with kindness and affection. They clean our houses, wash our cars, serve us in restaurants, and provide care when we are sick. The foreign community gives back in many ways, but these old folk of Joco seem to be forgotten. We give homes to animals, but these old people are forced to live on the street like animals. We help the children get an education, to give them a good start in life, but these old people are at the end of their lives, the end of their usefulness, and they are forgotten.
Please, can you help?
Casa de Corazon needs 20 people right now to pledge 200 pesos a month to help with the provision of food
Donations are needed to rebuild the Casa, so that the old people sleeping on the streets will have a home again. The Civil Engineer estimated 300,000 pesos. Many of us have spent much more than that on our houses.
Please, come to the Open House, see for yourself what is needed, and be generous in helping these old ones to have a roof over their heads again, where they can live in safety, and be provided with food, clothing and dignity at the end of their lives
If you can't come the the Open House, but want to help, please e mail Rose Ann Wagner at There are rides available, call Rose Ann on 387-761-0896
Casa de Corazon is a registered charity.
Directions to Casa de Corazon from Ajijic. Drive into Joco to the Plaza, not taking the turn to Guad, and with the plaza on your right, and you will have to turn to the left to follow the road, Hidalgo. Pass through the first traffic light and at the second light turn right, then one block turn left, one block right and you will be in Privada Josefa Ortiz de Domingues, you will see the Casa de Corazon at the end


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Join date : 2012-01-02

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Please help the homeless and hungry old people of Jocotepec Empty Re: Please help the homeless and hungry old people of Jocotepec

Post by bimini6 Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:22 am

I will be delighted to help. Thanks for your posting letting us know of a need in our area. Blessings.

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