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Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now

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Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now Empty Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now

Post by Flamingo Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:15 am

Aren't we all glad we're here and not going back to Canada in a week or so?
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Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now Empty Re: Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now

Post by Trailrunner Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:21 am

Yes. On so many levels. lolol
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Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now Empty Re: Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:31 am

Oh I do not miss this!!!  I lived for many years in Oswego on the SE corner of lake Ontario famous for lake effect storms.  I do remember climbing out my second story window with a snow shovel and digging for the door when the wind blew drifts like the picture showed. Left the snow for PNW rain which is only better because you don't have to shovel rain as we use to say while our feet were sinking into the ground after a couple of weeks of rain.


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Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now Empty Re: Proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now

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