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purchase US concert tickets on line

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purchase US concert tickets on line Empty purchase US concert tickets on line

Post by solajijic Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:41 am

It's been a couple hours of sheer frustration. I get part way and then thrown off the US site and not allowed to complete the purchase. I want to buy tickets to SCOTT BRADLEE'S POSTMODERN JUKEBOX on June 7 at House of Blues, Cleveland.

Any suggestions?

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purchase US concert tickets on line Empty Re: purchase US concert tickets on line

Post by Rosa Venus Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:06 am

Screw the internet. Unless it's something you plan on doing frequently, why bang your head against the wall learning an esoteric "process"? If there's the option, call them because "your nervous giving your credit card info over the internet". Or just get somebody in the US to buy the tickets and send them the money via paypal or whatever.
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purchase US concert tickets on line Empty Re: purchase US concert tickets on line

Post by solajijic Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:18 am

It's a surprise present. I am looking for Pink Martini, Disney on Ice and circus tickets too. Same problem.

Plus, I have never been to a music concert so I wanted to at least purchase a ticket to one before I turn 60 this summer.

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Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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purchase US concert tickets on line Empty Re: purchase US concert tickets on line

Post by zenwoodle Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:28 am

Try using an IP blocker like Hola to pretend you are in the US.
That is sometimes the root of the problem. Beer
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purchase US concert tickets on line Empty Re: purchase US concert tickets on line

Post by solajijic Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:14 am

I do use Hola but at the payment page, halfway finished with inputting the info, the page blinks and I am thrown to a Spanish page which essentially then says "No".

I tried calling but you can't get thru to anyone just button punching.

We will have the boyfriend do it. So much for the surprise.

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Location : Ajijic November 2004
Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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