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Where to report a car vandalism?

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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by mexicancorazon Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:51 pm

Where do I go to report a car vandalism?

I speak limited Spanish but can get a friend to help me if necessary. I need the report for insurance and understand that there is no chance of catching the person.

However, that said, I do think it is important to report all crime that occurs so we have a slightly more accurate figure of the type and amount of crime in the area.


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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by Pedro Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:04 pm

spencer is helping us for something that is way bigger than the usual vandalism at the ministerio publico. if it's something that won't dent your pocket book too much,i recommend that you pay for it out of pocket. you can see what happened to us "truck got hit by a drunk thread". it's gonna take months or never to resolve. it was a neighbour that did it with no insurance and we have about 50 of his relatives living around us.
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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:36 pm

Sounds like you will have 50 more "admirers" when this is finished Pedro...... Shocked
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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by benjji Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:43 pm

Everyone likes Pedro so the drunk and his relatives will probably have to move to Haiti

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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by viajero Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:37 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Sounds like you will have 50 more "admirers" when this is finished Pedro...... Shocked

I hope for his sake that he kept those bodyguards on retainer.

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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

Post by easylife Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:56 pm

Report at the Ministero Publico  .  They have a person now that speaks English
Take original and copy of Domicilio, Car title , and your Immigration
, and first two pages of passport

Ask for copy of report, and necessary to return to receive


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Where to report a car vandalism? Empty Re: Where to report a car vandalism?

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