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iPad Mini Power Cord - I need a new one

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iPad Mini Power Cord - I need a new one Empty iPad Mini Power Cord - I need a new one

Post by brercottage385 Tue May 05, 2015 1:46 pm

Looking to replace my ipad mini power cord. Current one is no longer working and I can feel the break in the wire. Any suggestions as to where I can buy a new power cord locally?

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iPad Mini Power Cord - I need a new one Empty Re: iPad Mini Power Cord - I need a new one

Post by RVGRINGO Tue May 05, 2015 2:45 pm

Write to at Hall Microcomputers. They will bring you a cord when they visit Lakeside. They are Apple distrbutor in Guadalajara, just off glorieta Minerva on Yañez, on the right with parking in front, if you want to go there yourself.

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