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Vote for the Ponies!! It's on again!

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Vote for the Ponies!! It's on again! Empty Vote for the Ponies!! It's on again!

Post by Grizzy Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:03 am

Here is the email I received with the rules and info. The voting link is at the bottom. As of now we are neck and neck with TOB. I am on my ipad and can't figure out how to post the direct link for voting for best web resource. Perhaps someone can do so.

I am naming my new Pony Tinkerbelle mariachi

To all Best of Lake Chapala members,

We have been working hard preparing the 2015 Best of the Best, People’s Choice Awards voting polls. We believe we have made the voting process faster, easier and more streamlined, while still adding some much-needed categories.

For example, the new “Vote Now!” button (under Voting in the top Menu and at the left of Home page) lists and links all categories open for quick voting. View at

TODAY, June 1st, voting polls are open for the first two Sections (Quality of Life and Dining/Restaurants)!!  


The 2015 survey is comprised of six sections, with related categories within each section. The preliminary polls will determine the finalists for voting in the month of December. Here is the schedule:
 PRELIM VOTING JUN 1 - NOV 15, 2015:        
           • Quality of Life • Dining & Restaurants
 PRELIM VOTING JUL 1 - NOV 15, 2015:        
           • Leisure Activities • Shopping Around
 PRELIM VOTING AUG 1 - NOV 15, 2015:
           • Travel, Lodging, Getting Around • Products & Services
 FINALIST VOTING DEC. 1 - 31, 2015:
           • All Categories and Sub-Categories

Those receiving the most votes in Prelim Voting will be named Finalists, and their tallies will be re-set to zero. In this way, all December Finalists begin on equal footing.


For contest validity, voting is open only to registered members who may log in and vote once daily in any or all categories. The wider the voting pool the more valid the results. Begin casting your votes June 1, and continue to submit write-in nominations.


It's Free! It's Easy!! It’s Confidential!!! To register, simply submit a user name and email address, then verify receipt of the Confirmation Notice when received. You can then begin casting your votes. Duplicate email registrations cannot be accepted.

Please help us spread the word to anyone you know who has not yet registered. Registration entitles you to site-wide participation in voting, contests, and notification by email when new contests or voting categories have been added.  


The preliminary Category Nominees were compiled based on: 1) votes received in the previous year’s survey, 2) public nominations, 3) multiple recommendations on area web sites and forums.  Write-in Candidate/Nominees will be accepted by Registered Members in the Preliminary Voting period only. Please notify us if any nominee has recently gone out of business, or is no longer in the area.


For more information on the awards, our privacy policy, etc, please see our updated and simplified Contest Rules & Terms of Use   at
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