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New Smart Phones

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New Smart Phones Empty New Smart Phones

Post by Intercasa Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:29 pm

Anybody else have one? I bought a Nokia E5 and love it and have been learning to use it. Cell phone service is expensive in Mexico BUT mine has wifi and Skype and I´m looking for a Symbian (the OS) SIP application and then I can hook into my VOIP service and make free calls as well as receive my landline calls on my cell. I´ve programmed all the Wifi services around my home well the area that encompassed the city block around my home.

It is another fun project due to high cell phone costs.

I also downloaded an English / Spanish dictionary and the phone has a built in GPS with maps of Mexico and the US!!! Today I´ll buy a holder and then be able to use it driving.
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:53 pm

I have Skype on my IPhone and can make free/cheap long distance calls as long as I have a wifi connection.
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by Intercasa Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:26 pm

so bob are you posting from cozumel in chapapa? Im posting from my phone but inside my home in guad.
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:35 pm

No I was on my laptop. It's too expensive for me to "data roam" down here on the GSM network. Now when I find wifi at a restaurant then I use my IPhone to surf the web and post on the board.
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by Walter Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:37 am

I've got a skype specific phone, that I've had for a couple of years. It works pretty well. I've used it all over N. America, any place with wifi. Have all my regular haunts programmed and it connects automatically. With a "Skypein" phone no. I can call all of N.A. for as much as I want for $50-$100 bucks a year, so it's great when I'm Lakeside.

I also have a piece of shat Blackberry thru Telus which didn't get turned for the month that I was down. I bought the package to use phone as a tether for my laptop, and I needed a phone. Telus has Skype blocked, so now I'm thinking Iphone or android. Why do I hate cell phone companies? Also the BB has tiny keys, not good with my thumbs (10 of them).
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by Intercasa Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:10 am

Most companies with I Phone or Blackberry force you into plans with internet, that is why I got the Nokia as there was no forced plan. I had planned to get the skype Wifi phone but never did and now this phone serves as a GPS as well as skype Wifi phone besides being a phone, also has a 5 megapixel camera which takes very nice pix.
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by simpsca Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:49 pm

Spencer, do you mind if I ask how much you had to pay for it? I got a Nokia recently which I really like and has email, wifi, camera, web, etc. but not as fancy as yours and doesn't have GPS. Is GPS a function of the phone?
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New Smart Phones Empty Re: New Smart Phones

Post by Intercasa Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:26 am

I paid $169.99 at Amazon and no tax and free shipping, the 8gb memory card was another $12 or so from another place. I had it shipped to my parents in the US, it is unlocked quad band so takes any chip. The GPS is cool and I bought a mount and it is stuck to my windshield with an arm so I can see it while driving and use the GPS. Yours may have GPS if it has all those features.
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