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I guess this is another troll question.

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I guess this is another troll question. Empty I guess this is another troll question.

Post by Clueless Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:19 am

I want to make a trip to Costco, but I don't want/need 4 hours there.

I have driven there (too) many times and hopefully won't need to do it again.

Any suggestions of someone who will drive me there, let me spend maybe 90 monutes to two hours and bring me back and not charge an arm and a leg?


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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by SunshineyDay Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:26 am

How much does an arm and a leg cost?

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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:02 am

Alex Peterson


Probably cost around $600 to $800 pesos depending on how long you take. Consider it a bargain.
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by gringal Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:54 am

Since this sounds like an actual question to which answers might benefit others........

Simple answer:  Don't drive.  Contact Lakeside Express or Cynthia Ornelas Personal Shopper site.  These sites list the things you can order from Costco and other stores the service covers.  Cynthia covers Sams and Office Depot as well as Costco.
You send them your choices on the day they specify and either of these services go there, shop and bring your stuff to your door a couple of days later, for a fee much lower than the cost of driving yourself.  

I've used both services, and it works just fine for anyone who doesn't get their kicks walking up and down the aisles. For those inclined to impulse buy and later saves their budgets.  For those who can't resist all the free sample food, it saves their calorie intake. You don't need a membership card for these stores, so that saves money.

My problem with the LCS trips is that they drop you off to shop and don't pick you up to go home for hours.  Sitting around waiting and waiting, especially in the heat, is no funatall.
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by Intercasa Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:24 am

Take the bus and then once in Guad go by taxi or Uber back.
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by Pedro Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:39 am

i thought all the people that shopped at costco did so to save money. if that's the case with you,lissen to gringal.
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by viajero Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:15 am

Pedro wrote:i thought all the people that shopped at costco did so to save money.
You thought wrong.

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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:19 am

I go to Costco to get things I can't get elsewhere, not to save money. I find Costco to be expensive in Mexico.
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by gringal Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:53 am

CanuckBob wrote:I go to Costco to get things I can't get elsewhere, not to save money. I find Costco to be expensive in Mexico.

Absolutely true for me, too.  No great savings there.  I shop Costco because they carry products I favor:  like additive-free frozen foods. For instance:  breakfast sausages that don't have a list of added chemicals, but taste good, etc.  Frozen pizzas that can be "enhanced", also without "better living through chemistry".

Money savings are when Superlake buys things I like from Costco and marks them up at least 30%.

Finally, I'm not fond of driving a small car in that traffic and feeling like an "auto sandwich" sometimes between two trucks.
Others may find that exhilarating and they're welcome to the thrill.  And.......I hate shopping in general.   I freely admit to being weird.

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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by Jim W Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:42 pm

Nothing weird about not enjoying shopping, Gringal. Thumbs up Thumbs up
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I guess this is another troll question. Empty Re: I guess this is another troll question.

Post by gringal Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:47 pm

Jim W wrote:Nothing weird about not enjoying shopping, Gringal. Thumbs up Thumbs up

Thanks for the vote of sanity, Jim. Have a good one. Very Happy

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