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Is it the rain or - - - - Septic tank issue

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Is it the rain or - - - -  Septic tank issue Empty Is it the rain or - - - - Septic tank issue

Post by Clueless Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:48 am

I had my septic tank pumped not that long ago; maybe a year.

Since I have learned the septic tanks here don't have a leach field but are closed, I make effort to not use a lot of water that would otherwise go into the septic tank. I recycle bath water to the plants, etc.

Today I see (and smell) the tank is full. It seems illogical unless with all the rain, the water table has risen so much that it has seemed into the tank and that's the issue.

I'm just curious since there is no response that will change the facts; I'm just wondering if anyone else has this issue.

I am in Chapala Haciendas.

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Is it the rain or - - - -  Septic tank issue Empty Re: Is it the rain or - - - - Septic tank issue

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:58 am

I doubt the water table would ever climb as high as CH unless Chapala was under water. Maybe you have a clogged pipe somewhere. I would call a plumber.

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