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Checks written on an American bank

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Checks written on an American bank Empty Checks written on an American bank

Post by otrocanuck Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:48 pm

I am looking for the best way to deposit a large check written on an American bank in American funds from another person here in Mexico.

One bank tells me it can be done if the money is deposited in pesos and held for two weeks, the other says it can not.

Looking for a easy way to do this that offers a good exchange rate.
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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by Perritonegro Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:04 pm

I have an account at multiva where i can deposit a 3'rd part us check and thet convert it to pesos when it clearsv21 days later. I had a usd account at actinver but they wont even take one anymore.

So not easy and the exchange is what it is, good or bad - thats my experience. I did have one at monex but got out when they implemented some pretty anal rules.

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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by SunshineyDay Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:30 pm


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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by solajijic Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:52 pm

Does your US bank offer snapshot banking via mobile device? Would that work? I just bought a hone and was hoping to set something like that up with one of our US banks.

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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by Pedro Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:34 pm

i thought all the banks here stopped taking us cheques including intercam which takes only my canadian cheques. in any event, if you don't have an account with a bank here they ain't gonna cash it.
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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by RVGRINGO Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:10 pm

If you have an all in one printer, scanner, & copier, can‘t you scan the checks and deposit them directly into your US bank account? It is immediate and easy to do. Then, you can withdraw pesos when the exchange rate favors you.

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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by Jim W Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:15 pm

Thanks RV, never knew that! Very Happy
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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by RVGRINGO Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:22 pm

Look at your online banking site for “Tools“ and for something like “Deposit Home“ or even “Deposit Mobile“, the latter allowing you to photograph and send the check from your iPhone, etc. Other banks may have somewhat different terminology, but that is how it works. Once deposited, it shows immediately in your account and you simply destroy the paper check.

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Checks written on an American bank Empty Re: Checks written on an American bank

Post by holdrja Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:27 pm

Bancomer allows us to deposit American checks to our account. It does take two weeks for them to clear. Before depositing them, I have to wait for a customer service rep to look at the check and provide an exchange rate for it. BTW -- if the check is $5000 USD or more, Bancomer gives me a better exchange rate.
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