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First time I have ever seen this.

Jim W
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty First time I have ever seen this.

Post by Clueless Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:49 pm

A couple of days ago, in Chapala on the main drag, I saw a motorcycle cop, didn't look like a local cop, writing what appeared to be a ticked to an empty car that was double parked.

I thought it was interesting. I would have taken a picture but I would have had to double park to do it.

This is strictly an informational post and IMO, does not require nor do I seek any responses.
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by Jim W Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:09 pm

Clueless wrote:A couple of days ago, in Chapala on the main drag, I saw a motorcycle cop, didn't look like a local cop, writing what appeared to be a ticked to an empty car that was double parked.

I thought it was interesting. I would have taken a picture but I would have had to double park to do it.

This is strictly an informational post and IMO, does not require nor do I seek any responses.

Cluless, why do you post this drivel?
Jim W
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by zenwoodle Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:43 pm

Jim W wrote:
Clueless wrote:A couple of days ago, in Chapala on the main drag, I saw a motorcycle cop, didn't look like a local cop, writing what appeared to be a ticked to an empty car that was double parked.

I thought it was interesting. I would have taken a picture but I would have had to double park to do it.

This is strictly an informational post and IMO, does not require nor do I seek any responses.

Cluless, why do you post this drivel?
Jim, do you really have to ask? Beer
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by suegarn Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:46 pm

Jim W wrote:
Clueless wrote:A couple of days ago, in Chapala on the main drag, I saw a motorcycle cop, didn't look like a local cop, writing what appeared to be a ticked to an empty car that was double parked.

I thought it was interesting. I would have taken a picture but I would have had to double park to do it.

This is strictly an informational post and IMO, does not require nor do I seek any responses.

Cluless, why do you post this drivel?

One word......CLICKBAIT! Unfortunately, depending on the header title, we all fall for it at some time!

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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by slainte39 Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:15 pm

Clueless wrote:A couple of days ago, in Chapala on the main drag, I saw a motorcycle cop, didn't look like a local cop, writing what appeared to be a ticked to an empty car that was double parked.

I thought it was interesting. I would have taken a picture but I would have had to double park to do it.

This is strictly an informational post and IMO, does not require nor do I seek any responses.

You should have.......there isn't any death penalty for capital crimes in Mexico.

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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by Clueless Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:44 pm

I also found something interesting after seeing two motorcycle cops giving roadside tickets to cars on the road by Chapala Hacientas #1.

I found that if one actually keeps to the posted speed limits, there will be a lot of pissed-off driver behind you. I had no idea how slow 40KM is. I drove that on the bypass by the "college" and it was really a creep and lots of cars passing me. Same for 60KM in other areas; I was either passed, often unsafely, or the cars would come to within two feet of my rear bumper. Don't know if anyone else has had this "experience."

A no win; sort of sometimes like making a post here.

Just thought this was interesting.
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by Intercasa Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:35 pm

Maybe that guy got out of his car and double parked to take a picture of another random moto cop ticketing a double parked car and so the chain goes on with abandoned cars where the owners are rubber necking, meddling, etc.
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by Intercasa Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:38 pm

Dont go too slow or at least if you do you can avoid the photo radar and be smug

First time I have ever seen this. H9kLk
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:46 am

Jajaja...... Beer
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First time I have ever seen this. Empty Re: First time I have ever seen this.

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