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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by mexicancorazon Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:55 am

I bought a homeowners policy and my home was burglarized. I show the adjustor where they broke in and he took pictures. And had this put in the police report. Now they are saying that there was no forced entry so the claim is declined. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Is there a complaint process like in the USA?

Any suggestions would be helpful as they took a lot of valuable stuff!


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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by Luisa Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:02 am

I would ask my agent to go to bat for me. We keep all of our insurance at Parker's and have for more than 10 years. They have really helped out when the insurance company resisted.

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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by sumofabit Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:17 am

Good luck collecting on any item if you don't have a photo and the ORIGINAL sales receipt. I would hate to see one fight the rejection and win only to find they do not have the insurance company's required proof.

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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:19 am

That is why we don't bother with insurance. Original receipts required for everything here in Mexico. Better to put that insurance money into good bars and locks.
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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by Intercasa Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:38 pm

We can file a complaint with the insurance commissioner.
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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by Clueless Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:43 pm

I have observed that it's almost SOP with most insurance companies, anyplace, to deny claims out-of-hand figuring some of the people can't/won't do anything but complain.

I have H.O. Ins. strictly for the liability portion in case someone is injured on my property.

Spencer: Have you had any luck w/complaints to the ins. commission?
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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by Clueless Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:50 pm

mexicancorazon wrote:I bought a homeowners policy and my home was burglarized. I show the adjustor where they broke in  and he took pictures. And  had this put in the police report.

Were the pictures sufficient to show an actual "break in?" What was the "proof" of the break in?

You should check your policy for a definition of forced entry or whatever the condition/proof is called in the policy.

For future reference, people should consider taking their own photos of the forced entry, making sure they clearly show what was the force and details.

I have heard you can run into the same type of problem with a stolen car; if the thief leaves the hubcaps (or such) the entire vehicle was not taken and thus no theft. Just a recollection.
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How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter Empty Re: How do you dispute a insurance rejection letter

Post by Intercasa Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:00 pm

Yes, had great luck, usually once they see the complaint they usually snap to attention and pay so that way they respond saying we already fixed the car or paid the claim or they say send x, y and z to our office here and we will pay.
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