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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Jim W
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Clueless Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:36 pm

This is a story about the current costs of elder-care NOB. I'm sure there are lesser choices, however I would think Mexico/Lakeside would be a prime choice.

Read the whole story here.
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by slainte39 Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:31 pm

Mexico is still a foreign county, often far away from family, and a lot of bad publicity due to drug crime.  Costs are not the only factor in the equation that are important.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by oncesubtle Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:25 pm

I would think a well produced senior care infomercial would neutralize a large percentage of the bad publicity and soften the foreign country apprehensions for desperate families being crushed by stateside costs. With the millions of boomers in line it's a numbers game and if just 1/2 of 1% came to lakeside it would overwhelm the availability. I suspect we'll be seeing more senior facilities in the not too distant future.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by sumofabit Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:34 pm

The reality is that the prices may be high, but much can be paid by the government once assets are gone. Also, not many people want to die in Mexico.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by viajero Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:18 pm

sumofabit wrote:. Also, not many people want to die in Mexico.
Why not ?
It's seems like as a good a place as any to die in.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by sumofabit Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:31 pm

If your descendants are in the US, they will be shocked what it costs to get your body into the US. Want to skip cremation? No way, you must be embalmed to leave Mexico and if you are not buried in about two days, you must also.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Jim W Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:34 pm

viajero wrote:
sumofabit wrote:. Also, not many people want to die in Mexico.
Why not ?
It's seems like as a good a place as any to die in.

I don't want to die, period. Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to put everything in order so Deb won't have to deal with my exit in Mexico. I agree Chris, here is as good as anywhere, as long as it doesn't hurt!

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Jim W Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:38 pm

sumofabit wrote:If your descendants are in the US, they will be shocked what it costs to get your body into the US. Want to skip cremation? No way, you must be embalmed to leave Mexico and if you are not buried in about two days, you must also.

sumofabit, The laws must have changed? My friend of many years Offed himself 2 years ago. My wife was his executor, and we had a hell uva time settling the will. We had him cremated and hauled his URN to the USA,
No Problemo.
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by sumofabit Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:52 pm

Jim, that is why I said, "they will be shocked what it costs to get your body into the US". Cremains are not your body and many want to bury their folks in a grave.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by oncesubtle Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:58 pm

I'm looking at the numbers and they show 10,000 boomers a day are turning 65 and that will be the rate for the next 20 years in the U.S alone. Surely a small percentage will choose Mexico, so the bigger question would be, what percentage?

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Jim W Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:38 pm

sumofabit wrote:Jim, that is why I said, "they will be shocked what it costs to get your body into the US". Cremains are not your body and many want to bury their folks in a grave.

Blackeye My BAD sumofabit! Beer Beer Beer
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by gobluejohn Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:22 pm

My niece won't be coming down cause she values her life, oops she lives in Charleston S.C. WTF
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:51 am

If you can't get em to visit due to our obvious horrible security situation (media words) why would one think they want to live here? Gobluejohn post says it all.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by oncesubtle Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:32 am

Over the past couple of years we've had a half dozen inquires or folks staying here who were doing a search for assisted living for their parents. It's not a lot but we're a small operation. Maybe one of the providers can give us a rundown from their POV, marketing and research.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by oncesubtle Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:38 pm

The following vid made the rounds here last month and today it's in the Mazatlan Messenger. I think these types of promos marketed to seniors in the states will increase traffic. There is real desperation for this type of housing at these prices and anyone who does there DD will see these folks are not in harms way.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by gringal Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:14 pm

Why anyone would want to have their sorry remains shipped to the states to be put in the ground is a mystery to me, but different strokes applies here. For me, burn and box.

Sadly, I've seen some of the eldercare facilities in the States and they are not only obscenely expensive, they are GRIM. My own fingers are crossed in the hope than I can stay right here where the weather's good, the people warm and the food better than the canned horrors they were serving the seniors in the places referred to above.

From recent reports of a lady who recently moved from her lakeside home into the new one in San Juan Cosala, the food was good, the setting beautiful, the personnel warm and the cost reasonable. Hope it continues that way.

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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Clueless Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:09 pm

I saw the video a while ago and yes, it should spark some interest. I'm not real sure about the costs of the "example" for an assisted living facility was accurate. I note they talked about costs of labor being so low and quote the minimum wage set by the government, which is under US$7.00 PER DAY. I would like to know if there is anyone around that works for that wage, and especially in a facility that caters to expats.

I also totally agree that some good marketing NOB would get people down here.

It just takes someone to do it
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:36 am

Normal wage is 200p per day here. Steady job has different wages than day work. Don't forget they feed em and some employers supply a ride home. So not apples and oranges compared to NOB labor system.

Anybody notice all the ads this winter for moving to Belize on Canadian Shaw??? Somebody is trying to stir Belize real estate up. When went to Belize in April boy did the locals hate those ads. Sitting watching hockey on shaw and the Belize commercial would come on and all the local expats would boo!


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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:39 am

Those ads had been on Shaw for quite a while however I haven't seen one in over 6 months. Perhaps the campaign is over. Jalisco should do a similar campaign for the Lake Chapala area.
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I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here. Empty Re: I would think with these cost NOB, people would be flocking down here.

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