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Need Construction Recommendation

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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Need Construction Recommendation

Post by Sunnyvmx Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:31 am

I'm sorry that Andres isn't going to work out. I am now asking for a recommendation for a crew to remove the old plaster and redo the concrete and then paint. My birds are eating the old plaster and it's killing them. Now they are all inside the small sleeping room until the work is completed so it needs to be done right away. I've wasted too many days waiting for Andres to show and I can't wait any longer. Please answer with the name and phone number of someone you know that can do the work and is reliable.

Bob, I did a search and saw your recommendation in 2013. I have called Alex Giutierrez Const. and he's coming today to look at the job. I'm afraid he may not be able to start right away and that's why I'm still looking.
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by solajijic Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:19 am

It will not serve you well to require someone to begin right awaay. If they are worth having they are busy. Good luck.

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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by CanuckBob Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:30 pm

You can call Chris at 333-378-4741. He is a gringo with a small construction crew who are perfect for these smaller jobs. I just used them to convert my garage into a bedroom/bathroom as Alex was unavailable. Very reasonably priced. Tell him Bob gave you his number.
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by Sunnyvmx Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:40 pm

Thanks Bob, I called him.
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by CanuckBob Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:46 pm

If you have any problems at all with them please let me know.
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by Sunnyvmx Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:13 am

Well Bob, you asked if there was any problems so here it is. Alex Gutierrez came by to discuss the job and gave me an estimate of 32,000 pesos and 2 weeks to complete.
That was way too much for this small room so I spoke with a friend who brought over a crew of 5 men. We negotiated for 6000 pesos labor and the materials were ordered and delivered. I paid upon receiving the receipt from the store. A very expensive sealant was bought and used to strengthen and make the cement more durable. A total of 15 hours and the job is finished. Gudrun and I are extremely happy with the work and looks of the walls. We paid a total of 10,000 pesos including a bonus of 200 pesos to each man with our thanks. We still mourn the loss of our 4 birds, but there will no doubt be more birds in need of a forever home and we now have a safe and lovely aviary to offer.
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by CanuckBob Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:17 pm

Yes, Alex is not cheap. Perhaps it is time to stop recommending him.

What about Chris's guys? No response from them?
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Need Construction Recommendation Empty Re: Need Construction Recommendation

Post by Sunnyvmx Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:10 am

I called him the day I was making calls for estimates. He was busy, but would get back to me manana. By the next morning I had already hired a crew and the materials were ordered to be delivered. He did call and I gave him the bad news. When you snooze, you lose. A contractor may be preferable if building a house or a major remodel job, but this was just a one room repair of the walls. The workmen made improvements such as imbedding the hanging wires into the cement so the birds can't
get at them and the ugly wire mesh is no longer necessary. Their suggestions were very much appreciated and made a big difference.
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