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Coke truck overturned

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Coke truck overturned Empty Coke truck overturned

Post by itsme Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:47 pm

on the carreterra, hwy closed?

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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by SunshineyDay Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:10 pm

Where?? East--west of ?

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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by hockables Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:21 pm

SunshineyDay wrote:Where?? East--west of ?

Bring Rum... Beer
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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by SunshineyDay Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:34 pm

Thanx Hocks I needed that! Lol

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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by Rosa Venus Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:44 pm

I saw it. It was in San Antonio, right where the big Coke Trucks leave the Sucursal. It WASN'T turned over, but somehow it managed to block both lanes of traffic on the carretera after plowing over the cement barrier that protects the ciclopista in that spot. I scratched my head twice after looking at it, unable to figure out how the truck driver did it going at such a low speed, after apparently leaving the Coke Factory and simply turning left out of their area.
Rosa Venus
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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by Hensley Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:15 am

Years ago we were traveling around the lake and all of a sudden we saw kids and people carrying 2 liters of coke down the highway, when we finally got to where they were coming from there was a coke truck that had their load shift out of those soft sided carriers and I guess they just let the town clean it all up for them.
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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by gringal Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:43 am

Rosa Venus wrote:I saw it. It was in San Antonio, right where the big Coke Trucks leave the Sucursal. It WASN'T turned over, but somehow it managed to block both lanes of traffic on the carretera after plowing over the cement barrier that protects the ciclopista in that spot. I scratched my head twice after looking at it, unable to figure out how the truck driver did it going at such a low speed, after apparently leaving the Coke Factory and simply turning left out of their area.

Around what time did this happen?

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Coke truck overturned Empty Re: Coke truck overturned

Post by Rosa Venus Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:55 am

Errrrrr…..yesterday was busy so I'm guestimating. I was in the area mid-afternoon, maybe around 2:30 or so.
Rosa Venus
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