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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Clueless Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:36 pm

I ran out of time.

Got a message I was out of time and if I recharged today, I get 2 for 1.

I recharged for $100.00

I called to check and it showed $198.00 (OK, the call to check cost me).

Now someone says the 2 for 1 gift of $100, is only good for 2-3 days. Yes, days. That doesn't sound right.

And a while ago, I read that minutes you buy are good for a year; I don't know about gift minutes/time.

I would really appreciate a cogent explanation.

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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by gringal Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:54 pm

Telcel's Amigo plan is a good deal for those who don't make many calls.
100 pesos for two months, and minutes are cumulative. At this point, I've accumulated over 2000 minutes, and no problems except that I can't seem to block the daily messages from UNOTV. (No big deal.)

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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Smartalex Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:51 pm

Send the word "baja" via text message to 2222 and the UNOTV messages will stop.
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by CanuckBob Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:16 pm

Yep, what Alex says.

Clueless, go in a talk with a Movistar cell phone person. You are starting to sound a lot like JohninAjijic......jaja.
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Clueless Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:48 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Yep, what Alex says.

Clueless, go in a talk with a Movistar cell phone person. You are starting to sound a lot like JohninAjijic......jaja.

I may do that w/my translator.

Or maybe the cumulative plan mentioned above. Can I keep the same cell phone # if I chance?
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Jim W Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:01 pm

CB,he doesn't sound like JohninAjijic! He has been here for 10 years, and his pleas are pathetic. You can purchase incense @ a variety of shops in Chapala. Walk and talk!
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by David Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:46 pm

Also, you can find fish at a Pescaderia. Your handle is SO fitting.
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Jim W Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:58 pm

David wrote:Also, you can find fish at a Pescaderia.  Your handle is SO fitting.

Jim W
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by slainte39 Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:24 pm

We range from board know-nothings, who ask every question under the sun to board know-it-alls who has an answer or comment for every post.  Very Happy

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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Jim W Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:48 pm

Loved the PM I received from Clueles! He is nuts!
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Jim W Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:05 pm

David wrote:Also, you can find fish at a Pescaderia.  Your handle is SO fitting.

Jim W
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by viajero Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:13 pm

Jim W wrote:He has been here for 10 years, and his pleas are pathetic.
Jim,where's the best place to buy shoelaces with instructions at Lakeside without paying gringo prices?

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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by Jim W Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:17 pm

viajero wrote:
Jim W wrote:He has been here for 10 years, and his pleas are pathetic.  
Jim,where's the best place to buy shoelaces with instructions at Lakeside without paying gringo prices?

You crack me up Chris!
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Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar Empty Re: Another WTF. What is the CURRENT story on phone air time - Moviestar

Post by David Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:19 pm

Ay, carumba!
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