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Coatimundi's Empty Coatimundi's

Post by CanuckBob Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:20 pm

While I thought they were pretty rare in this part of Mexico they are alive and thriving in SJC. We had dinner with a family of them at La Sima del Copal (formerly Chaca Lan). There was a momma, a poppa and seven babies. They came right up to the table looking for hand outs which of course they got plenty of. The kitchen staff was also feeding them out the back door. Awesome creatures.

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by Ms.Thang Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:40 pm

Great pictures, Bob! We saw some Cotimundi in Cancun and Chichen Itza but never around here. People were standing around asking what they were and everyone agreed that they were Racoons! My husband called them Tejones? How lucky for you to see a whole family of them.

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by CanuckBob Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:42 pm

Yes, I believe the Spanish term is Tejones and possums are Tlaquaches.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by slainte39 Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:12 pm

Yep, tejones for sure, and they have been around here for as long as I can remember.
In days gone by, you would see them a lot of them crossing the road on the Libramento before there was Chula Vista Norte and all those other residential developments up there.
Civilization has just pushed them further up the cerro, except of course for CBob's new found friends. Very Happy

Bob, that's relation, but they (los tejones) are primos/cousins to the mapaches.

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by martygraw Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:39 pm

We have had one or more in our back yard for the past 8 years now. They just love our advocates.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by zenwoodle Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:08 am

I see them occasionally here in Los Sabinos.
Usually late at night when I am walking my dog.
They can make a nice mess of the garbage. Beer
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by hkrause Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:42 am

zenwoodle wrote:I see them occasionally here in Los Sabinos.
Usually late at night when I am walking my dog.
They can make a nice mess of the garbage. Beer

Hmmm... I wonder if this might be what's causing problems on the street by the clubhouse, down at the end? They thought it might be a feral cat and borrowed my trap to try and catch it (with no luck). Maybe these don't care for cat food as bait. Very Happy

How late are you out when you see them? I'd love to see them.

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by Sunnyvmx Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:37 am

I grew up in Miami when the import of exotic animals was allowed. I raised a coati from a baby. He and my boxer were great friends and played for hours. Eventually he slept in a tall palm tree at night and if any dogs came into the yard PJ would jump on their back and ride them out. He loved going for long walks, washed his food like a raccoon and could strip a turkey carcass to bare bones. I gave him to a family with six kids and he lived in their tree house. He was always playful and could be affectionate. I was thrilled to see them here in their natural habitat.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by cypress Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:32 am

They feed they at La Sima so they show up regularly. I've never seen them anywhere else in San Juan Cosala. By the way Chac Lan restaurant is alive and well. It is quite away above La Sima. La Sima del Copal was formerly called El Risco.

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by CanuckBob Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:42 am

Oh sorry I knew it was formerly something. Where is Chac Lan?

Hkrause, unlike racoons and possums these guys are mainly out during the day and sleep at night (diurnal not nocturnal). In fact as soon as the sun was setting they buggered off.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:54 am

They are in the Yucatan also. We had them at our hotel on the Mayan Rivera. They really like Tuna if I remember right. Very very tame and begging the residents of the hotel was its daily routine.


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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by hkrause Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:00 am

Thanks, Bob. I thought they were daytime critters, having seen them in zoos. We'll have to go check it out... would LOVE to see them around the restaurant!

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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by CanuckBob Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:10 am

Grab the table closet to the kitchen. That is where they seemed to hang out.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by barbicheesecake Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:42 am

Ms.Thang wrote:Great pictures, Bob! We saw some Cotimundi in Cancun and Chichen Itza but never around here. People were standing around asking what they were and everyone agreed that they were Racoons! My husband called them Tejones? How lucky for you to see a whole family of them.

When John used to golf at Chula Vista a few years ago he told me the cotimundi would hang out there.
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by Kiri Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:14 pm

I used to see a family of them in Chula Vista Norte, from time to time, in one of the arroyos, while walking my dogs. But not for a long time. Beautiful animals. Thanks for the great pics!
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Coatimundi's Empty Re: Coatimundi's

Post by kipissippi Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:25 pm

I had a baby one in Acapulco about a million years ago. She was adorable! I didn't need a leash... she would never get more than a few feet away from me. LOVED bananas. She would knock over her little straw purse/carrier when we were at Tasty Freeze and go demand ice cream from other people... who were not annoyed but delighted with the six week old Tequila. She was a heart grabber. I had to give her away to a nice family when I headed for Panama on a sailboat. I was too afraid of her falling off and being a shark snack to take her with me.

I don't know what they're like fully grown...but as babies they'll steal your heart.
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