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Voltage Regulator

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Voltage Regulator Empty Voltage Regulator

Post by CanuckBob Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:38 pm

I have a 2000w voltage regulator for my washer and dryer however they kick it off when I run both at the same time. I am looking for a larger unit. 2000w is the largest that the local Steren sells. Anyone know of another place that sells these?
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:15 pm

You want one that is for appliances.  Motors are tough on them.  Also probably need one for each depending on size of course. See PM I sent you.


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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by David Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:32 pm

I don't know the capacity of the one we have but it does allow both appliances to run simultaneously. I bought it at Tio Sam when we bought the washer and dryer. Try them.
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by CanuckBob Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:45 am

Thanks guys. I'll check them out.
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by jrm30655 Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:54 pm

I couldn't tell from your post if you had just one or one on each appliance.

If you have just 1, buy another one and put one on each appliance.

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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by CanuckBob Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:22 pm

Just for the record, Tio Sam's no longer sells voltage regulators.

Yes, I have both appliances on the one regulator. I tried the dryer alone and it still kicked it. I guess the dryer is the guilty party. 2000w isn't enough for it I suppose.

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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by hockables Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:38 pm

Clothesline .... is cheaper Beer
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by DaveP Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:04 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Just for the record, Tio Sam's no longer sells voltage regulators.

Yes, I have both appliances on the one regulator. I tried the dryer alone and it still kicked it. I guess the dryer is the guilty party. 2000w isn't enough for it I suppose.

Bob, are you using an electric dryer? If you are using a gas dryer it only uses a few hundred watts (motors are only about 1/4 to 1/3 hp). Is the dryer OK?
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by CanuckBob Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:33 am

It is a gas dryer. A 1/3 HP pump motor requires about 750 watts to run but 1400 - 3000 to get started. I'm not sure if the dryer motor is similar to a pump motor and the dryer is fairly new. There could also be a problem with the voltage regulator as it didn't kick off much when I first got it but seems to be getting progressively worse.
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by CHILLIN Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:52 pm

Hey CanuckBob - I know more about electronics than electrical, so I apoligise if this is out of order. But have you checked the ground wire? I understand that voltage regulators and surge protectors need a good ground to work properly. If your ground is a rusted out, post in the dirt - that might create problems.

Steren sells an inexpensive plug in voltage tester - tests for ground and polarity.
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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by peteben Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:19 pm

Also, if the wiring to your dryer is too small, or too long, then the current spike whenever it starts can drop the voltage momentarily below the threshold that the regulator is designed to handle. That might cause it to cut out. You might be able to spot this with a voltmeter, although the spike is likely to be short.
You could try using a heavy-duty extension cord to plug the dryer into a different circuit to check.


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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:43 am

Appliance voltage regulators are designed to deal with the surge of an electric motor. Normal ones are not. I put a normal one on the scope and put a motor on it and output just died more or less. Appliance ones I bet have large caps in them or something to deal with large surge of motor starting. One uses the same theory for big car stereo (the thumping kind) to tighten up the bass. Car unit use big capacitors to handle surge.


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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by jrm30655 Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:12 pm

It could be the electrical service also. I have a device that cuts the power to my computer stuff and kicks in the UPS at 80 volts. If the washer or dryer is running and the pressure pump cuts on, it will drop out.

I put it not because of low voltage but I get brown outs occasionally and when they kick the power back on, I've seen instantaneous high voltages in the 500+ range.

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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:51 am

jrm30655 wrote:It could be the electrical service also.  I have a device that cuts the power to my computer stuff and kicks in the UPS at 80 volts.  If the washer or dryer is running and the pressure pump cuts on, it will drop out.

I put it not because of low voltage but I get brown outs occasionally and when they kick the power back on, I've seen instantaneous high voltages in the 500+ range.  

That's a very good point we missed. Good reason for having a voltage gauge on every phase in your house. Watch your voltage when they weld in the neighborhood also .


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Voltage Regulator Empty Re: Voltage Regulator

Post by CanuckBob Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:57 am

My problem had always been with the dryer blowing motherboards (3 times). The last repairman finally told me to get a voltage regulator.  Never had a problem with the washer so I resolved the problem by unplugging the washer from the voltage regulator (as suggested by someone previously). It hasn't kicked off since.
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