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Local Model Railroad Group?

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Local Model Railroad Group? Empty Local Model Railroad Group?

Post by rvanparys Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:35 am

Does anyone know of a local model railroad group in the Chapala - Ajijic area? If so can you pass on contact info?

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Local Model Railroad Group? Empty Re: Local Model Railroad Group?

Post by Bill Phillips Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:12 pm

I have sent you a private message with contact information for Perry King, a local Shriner who was responsible for setting up the model railroad display at the old Railway station in Chapala.

Another source is the owner of the restaurant above the Hunter Douglas drapery shop and the Papaleria at the corner of the street going to El Parque. I understand he has a model railroad set up and running in his restaurant.

Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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