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I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him?

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I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him? Empty I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him?

Post by Clueless Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:05 pm

I found this guy just a block or two off the main drag in Chapala on a cormer going down toward the lake.

The shop isn't marked and has I recall, a metal door.

Any help appreciated.

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I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him? Empty Re: I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him?

Post by natbug Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:19 am

I have no "facts" but was told by a long time client that he had retired.

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I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him? Empty Re: I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him?

Post by Clueless Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:41 am

natbug wrote:I have no "facts" but was told by a long time client that he had retired.

Wouldn't surprise me. Guess I'll look to word-of-mouth for another.

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I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him? Empty Re: I lost my Chapala tailor, can someone help me find him?

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