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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Canmex 87
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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by alisunsmom Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:08 pm

We must take our car out of Mexico in March.

Does anyone have any experience selling a car to CarMax in San Antonio as far as prior notification we are coming and actual transaction ?



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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by RVGRINGO Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:09 pm

Just go there, get their quote and decide. You might offer it to a few used car lots or dealerships first, for comparison. The offer will be low and non-negotiable, but you have a couple of days to decide.

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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by Playaboy Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:57 pm

You could sell it to me, avoid the trip and hassles. Check your pm's

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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by Canmex 87 Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:21 pm

We have had three friends who sold their car to Car max in San Antonio and all of them said that they received more than they had expected.

Canmex 87
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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by RVGRINGO Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:25 pm

Playaboy wrote:You could sell it to me, avoid the trip and hassles.  Check your pm's

Are you back at Lakeside? I thought you had moved east.

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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by indijones Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:34 pm

I would have it buffed and waxed so when you get to texas you take it through a car wash then to car max.

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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by David Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:56 pm

Playaboy is the way to go. You don't have to drive up with the expenses of gas and hotels, or buy a plane ticket home. He gave me close to what Carmax would have.

If you want to visit San Antonio anyway then have a nice vacation!
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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by Playaboy Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:20 am

Playaboy wrote:You could sell it to me, avoid the trip and hassles.  Check your pm's

Are you back at Lakeside?  I thought you had moved east.

RV, it doesn't matter where I am.  This is a national issue.   I have assisted folks from Cozumel to Puerto Vallarta, not just people Lakeside. I have purchased quite a few cars and have my systems together.  I have bought some cars Lakeside sight unseen.  I have my body shop man and mechanic check things for me.

RV, the difference between my services and other facilitators is that I don't ask for money to solve your problems, I pay cash and your issues are solved.  My reputation is ROCK SOLID too.  I also assisted folks with moving and driving people in and out of Mexico.  

I don't usually promote and advertise (except now).  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

BTW, I am spending the winter on the warm beautiful Caribbean.  One beachside palapa sold and one more to go. I still have the house for sale Lakeside.

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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:18 pm

I can also vouch for Playaboy's services. I have never heard anyone complain. He has assisted a couple of my friends and they were both very happy.
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selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio Empty Re: selling a car at CarMax in San Antonio

Post by SunFan Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:26 pm

I've dealt with Playboy in trying to handle a Canadian licensed car.

I have found him to be trustworthy, straightforward and completely honest in our dealings.

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