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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Lady Otter Latté
espíritu del lago
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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by Trailrunner Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:19 am

CanuckBob wrote: It has nothing to do with laziness or fear. They have taxis all over El Salvador in the that's a dangerous place.

Well, according to my friend and neighbor who actually DOES drive a taxi for a living. . .

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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by Playaboy Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:41 am

I have flown into GDL at 11pm on several occasions the last couple years.  I always pay for an airport taxi.  In speaking with these men during the trips (practicing my Spanish), every single one of them did not like driving to Chapala at night.  They all say "no seguro".

Around midnight, there is hardly anyone on the roads in Chapala.

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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by itsme Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:04 am

All the workers in restaurants and bars have the need to get home also and cannot afford a taxi. I seem to recall three workers, 2 young men and a young women, were walking after work along the carreterra and were snatched.

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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by Trailrunner Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:23 am

Playaboy wrote:I have flown into GDL at 11pm on several occasions the last couple years.  I always pay for an airport taxi.  In speaking with these men during the trips (practicing my Spanish), every single one of them did not like driving to Chapala at night.  They all say "no seguro".

Around midnight, there is hardly anyone on the roads in Chapala.

Exactly right. It's just not safe. And if your car broke down or something and you called the cops, I doubt that would have a good outcome. This is the same thing my taxi friend says. It's not safe to be driving around here late at night. I use the village streets when I'm out at night and stay off the carretera.
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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by viajero Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:37 am

Playaboy wrote:I have flown into GDL at 11pm on several occasions the last couple years.  I always pay for an airport taxi.  In speaking with these men during the trips (practicing my Spanish), every single one of them did not like driving to Chapala at night.  They all say "no seguro".

Around midnight, there is hardly anyone on the roads in Chapala.

Surely Chapala can't be any less seguro than Guadalajara,where the taxis run all night Shocked

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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:47 am

Exactly, I imagine there are hundreds of places in the world that are far more dangerous than Chapala that have 24 hour taxi service. I have never had a problem getting the taxi drivers I know to do work anytime during the night, picking up and dropping off guests. I've had quite a few 3:30am pick-ups. They do charge a premium for this hour of the day ($480 to airport). That has been my experience......YMMV.
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Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lack of Taxis and Buses at Night

Post by Playaboy Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:45 pm

viajero wrote:
Playaboy wrote:I have flown into GDL at 11pm on several occasions the last couple years.  I always pay for an airport taxi.  In speaking with these men during the trips (practicing my Spanish), every single one of them did not like driving to Chapala at night.  They all say "no seguro".

Around midnight, there is hardly anyone on the roads in Chapala.

Surely Chapala can't be any less seguro than Guadalajara,where the taxis run all night Shocked

Viajero, that is exactly what the taxis driver tell me.  No seguro en Chapala.  

Big cities have different issues.  But I feel safer being around other people with other cars on the road.  At night that happens in cities, not in pueblos.  

In rural areas nobody is out at night.  Driving around anywhere in rural Mexico at night has never been recommended.  I have listened to that advice for over 10 years and a couple hundred thousand Km.  Chapala is no different then Joco, Ocotlan, Ameca, San Luis Soyatlan, El Salto and all the other rural towns in this area.  Just because this is home does not make it any safer at 2am when you are all alone.

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