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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Lady Otter Latté
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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Clueless Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:37 am

I bought a new Italika ATV. In under 500km, the TRACTION CHAIN TENSIONER fell off. The warranty covers workmanship and materials. The unit will cost about $200 in parts and maybe $500 in labor for the authorized service person to come out from Joco.

The company says it won't do the repair under warranty but will give no reason.

The only way the unit could have come off is either the main bolt wasn't tightened enough or due to the vibrations from driving on cobblestone streets. Since this unit is designed very specifically for off-road use, I would think the bolt would have some sort of lock washer or something to keep it tightened.

Since I'm told not to drive the ATV until it's fixed, I'm going to pay the costs, but I want to go to Proeco since I feel this just isn't right. So this is the reason for my question.

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:25 am

it's the principle of the thing, Clueless. Aren't you the guy who believes that no matter how difficult, costly and time consuming it may be you need to teach people a lesson? You are not going soft on us, are you?
Lady Otter Latté
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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by viajero Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:25 am

You bought an Italika?
You really are clueless!

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by benjji Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:04 am

The worst bike made and from a company that seldom pays for repairs under warranty....if the seat lasts a year or the plastic body parts don't yellow and crack then you were blessed!

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by benjji Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:05 am

double post....sorry

Last edited by benjji on Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by brigitte Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:05 am

Profeco will go to the manufacturer and they will settle for peanuts and if you do not accept it PROFECO cannot fine them because they did offer something...then they will tell you to take them to a civil court. Waste of time in my opinion but if you have the time and the patiece go to them , it may come out differently. Large corporation have lawyers who are on the payroll so it is not skin off their nose to go to court.

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:19 am

Sounds as though Clueless may have met his match.
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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by brigitte Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:05 pm

Can always try it does not cost anything to try.

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by cajunman Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:04 pm

Why insult a person that has a problem & has asked for help?

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Trailrunner Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:09 pm

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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Intercasa Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:26 pm

PROFECO works if you do it right. A client went to fix his truck at Chevy, they charged 22,000 and didnt fix it and he brought it back 4 times, we got an order for them to refund the 22,000 plus a 30% penalty. We had to go 3 to 4 times, most people in Mexico dont fight and there is no customer service, my hat is off to those who fight to teach the crooks lessons.
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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:42 am


As tempting the prices on Italika products if you look at the scooter forums they rank right up there with Chinese scooters. Most who know say buy Japanese in scooters. Italika has a nasty reputation for dropping pieces on the cobbles. Looks like they build just as good an ATV. But you knew it was cheap
still you should get it fixed under warranty so give em hell. Someone should.


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Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble? Empty Re: Has anyone had any experience with Profeco? Is it worth the time/trouble?

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