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Tree service - redux

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Tree service - redux Empty Tree service - redux

Post by Canada_Mike Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:24 pm

A while ago I posted a request for info regarding a tree service. I got lots of help, and it was clear the majority favoured Chapala Tree Service. About that time I ran into a young man named Francisco Ganzález, one of the owners of Ajijic Tree Service. We spoke and he gave me an estimate. I also got one from Roberto of CTS. The latter was significantly higher. I spoke with Fernando about safety equipment and he assured me that the climbers all used it. His is a family business - five bothers, two of whom climb while the others carry. They did use safety equipment, especially hard hats and lines. Bottom line is they did a terrific job. The garden looks great. All the pruning was done from the inside out - nothing lazy or short cut about it. Francisco and his brothers worked straight for three days and left the place immaculate. Given an estimate fully 2/5 lower, I'd highly recommend them.

Ajijic Tree Service, Francisco, (333) 452-9843.

Oh, and he owns the little wood store across from Viajes Ajijic.


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Tree service - redux Empty Re: Tree service - redux

Post by WillieRae Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:41 pm

He just made a rustic table for us out of eucalyptus.....there were a few things he had to tweak but brought it back this afternoon ....just beautiful! He was extremely careful about bringing it through the house to the covered patio and he and one brother cleaned up very well.

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Tree service - redux Empty Re: Tree service - redux

Post by mwool Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:11 pm

I second the recommendation for Francisco and thanks for the referral, Mike.
I called him yesterday and he came and looked at the job to remove two large palms that were going to bust up nearby walls. He gave me a fair (cheap) price and assured me that it would be done safely/quickly and that he would haul away all cuttings. He and his 3 brothers arrive on time today and finished the removal in less than an hour, cleaning all debris and without hurting any surrounding plants. I would suggest that you call him if you need any tree trimming/removal.
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