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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by angela04101 Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:29 am

I have a CapitalOne account using my daughter's address in the US. I must have done something right, so far no problem, even though I opened that account after moving to MX. I remember telling the bank that I live part-time in MX and part-time in US, which is true, but "part-time" is only a few days in US. So far so good.

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:57 am

Yes, Angela, some of us have been very lucky so far with our U.S. banks. Many more people have not.
I have a Chase account that I had when I moved down here and simply changed the mail address to my daughter's. Even though I have had a replacement ATM card sent overnight to me here to my Mexican address, there were no repercussions. That has not been true for everyone who outed themselves as living Mexico.
It is a good idea to consider what you would do if suddenly your friendly bank shut down your account with little or no notice as happened with a disturbing number of people here not very long ago. Do not assume you could just open another account at a different bank using your daughter's address. If that does happen to you and are able to successfully open another account in the U.S. please do start a new thread about it. Other people will be anxious to hear how you did it.
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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by gringal Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:25 am

angela04101 wrote:I have a CapitalOne account using my daughter's address in the US. I must have done something right, so far no problem, even though I opened that account after moving to MX. I remember telling the bank that I live part-time in MX and part-time in US, which is true, but "part-time" is only a few days in US. So far so good.

Your original question came across as wondering why we ALL can't manage. Now that you've explained how you manage, I think you've answered your own question. Rolling Eyes

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by slainte39 Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:11 pm

Capitol One is an almost paperless banking operation without any brick and  mortar locations, so you aren't physically required to go there to open an account, and all they want is a US address.  Isn't there one relative, friend, business associate, etc., that you could use as an address?
I think that is the workaround that most people use, that live here fulltime but want a US bank account.
OTT....I don't know.

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by nthensome Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:20 pm

Not everyone gets a social security check. Some people have been here a long time, work here and need somewhere safe to keep their money. This is the case with the op on the other board.

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by slainte39 Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:06 pm

A lot of Mexicans have USD accounts in the US that do not receive SS checks.

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by nthensome Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:20 pm

What do they do with their weekly paychecks? Pay to wire the money?

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Bancomer - Page 2 Empty Re: Bancomer

Post by gringal Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:19 pm

Of course there are ways to get around those pesky banking regulations, just as there are a jillion methods for getting around anything: tax issues, disclosure on real estate (hey, just stick the house back together and sell it), South Dakota license plates, having a fund raiser to pay your medical bills rather than signing up for insurance, building a four story house where only two are allowed, and there is even a thriving web site which will "sell" you a  U.S. address.
Pick one....or maybe even Pick None of the Above.  Up to each of us.
But before making that decision, sort out the difference between your "wants" and your "needs".  I've worked out how to take care of my banking needs over the last week or so.  
That doesn't mean I don't appreciate all the suggestions.

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