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Please Help Mario

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by Carry Bean Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:13 pm

Even though he has Seguro Popular...

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by Twonk Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:17 pm

Seguro Popular only covers certain things so people are kidding themselves if they think it will solve all their health problems. It is better than nothing, I guess. I know a 4 year old boy from Joco, whose mother took him 3 times to the new hospital near Joco, complaining of stomach pains. Each time she was sent home with a prescription. Then his appendix finally burst. You would think any doctor could diagnose such a common problem, but apparently not. After it burst they admitted him and took it out, leaving a gigantic incision. A few days later he was in great pain and they wouldn't admit him again. So she took him to Hospital Civil in Guad and they decided to open him and he was full of infection and they decided he needed a colostomy. They did it and then sent him home and they didn't even tell his mother there was such a thing as a colostomy bag. Everything just came spewing out of him. Then they decided after the colostomy incision started leaking that they should reconnect his plumbing back to normal just 2 weeks later. This is a big mistake. Way too soon. They did it, and he had more problems, so about a week later they DID THE COLOSTOMY AGAIN!!! Poor little lamb went through hell. Then after 2 months went by they reconnected everything again and he is back to normal. Its a miracle he made it through all that. How many anesthetics is that to go through in a short time? Too many. Seguro Popular and the new hospital near Joco are not all they are cracked up to be.

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by suegarn Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:11 pm

Twonk wrote:Seguro Popular only covers certain things so people are kidding themselves if they think it will solve all their health problems. It is better than nothing, I guess.  I know a 4 year old boy from Joco, whose mother took him 3 times to the new hospital near Joco, complaining of stomach pains.  Each time she was sent home with a prescription.  Then his appendix finally burst.  You would think any doctor could diagnose such a common problem, but apparently not. After it burst they admitted him and took it out, leaving a gigantic incision.  A few days later he was in great pain and they wouldn't admit him again.  So she took him to Hospital Civil in Guad and they decided to open him and he was full of infection and they decided he needed a colostomy. They did it and then sent him home and they didn't even tell his mother there was such a thing as a colostomy bag.  Everything just came spewing out of him.  Then they decided after the colostomy incision started leaking that they should reconnect his plumbing back to normal just 2 weeks later.  This is a big mistake.  Way too soon.  They did it, and he had more problems, so about a week later they DID THE COLOSTOMY AGAIN!!!  Poor little lamb went through hell.  Then after 2 months went by they reconnected everything again and he is back to normal. Its a miracle he made it through all that.  How many anesthetics is that to go through in a short time?  Too many. Seguro Popular and the new hospital near Joco are not all they are cracked up to be.

I find that very hard to believe. Even a doctor with minimal training would not have screwed up that badly on a four year! It seems like a bit of an exaggeration!

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:20 pm

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by Twonk Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:23 pm

I sent you a PM, Suegarn. Anyone else who would like to see a photograph of what they did to this little tyke is welcome to PM me with their email address and I will provide it. Really, why on earth would I make this up?

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by Fred C. Dobbs Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:04 pm

Twonk is 100% correct with the facts in this case. I have seen this poor little guy with my own eyes. He came this close to passing away.

For those that question the story, ask to see the photos or just STFU!

I wouldn't wish those quack doctors' care on my worst enemy.

But, hey, go ahead and take your chances... I dare you.

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by brigitte Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:09 am

What a sad story... I do not think it is the only case San Cristobal the indigenous had demonstrations last year about an awful case that ended up in the death of a young women. Many of the Mexican I know are only using SP because they are too poor to afford anything else....It is interesting that foreigners think they will get great care there, most people I know try not to go there.

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

Post by gringal Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:05 am

brigitte wrote:What a sad story... I do not think it is the only case San Cristobal the indigenous had demonstrations last year about an awful case that ended up in the death of a young women. Many of the Mexican I know are only using SP because they are too poor to afford anything else....It is interesting that foreigners think they will get great care there, most people I know try not to go there.

If I were poor, I'd go for that as opposed to nothing at all. I question the judgment of foreigners who can afford to pay for private insurance but like the price at S.P. better. Health is Number One.

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Please Help Mario - Page 3 Empty Re: Please Help Mario

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