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Canadian Using ATM in the US

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Canadian Using ATM in the US Empty Canadian Using ATM in the US

Post by Frijoles Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:38 pm

Last time I was in Texas I noticed that one bank charged a much higher fee than another (can't remember which banks now). Any suggestions for which is the best ATM for a Canadian to use in the US? Gracias.
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Canadian Using ATM in the US Empty Re: Canadian Using ATM in the US

Post by RVGRINGO Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:32 am

Is it possible that you used a private ATM, and not an actual bank ATM? The private ones are always expensive to use, but may be the only choice at some big box stores, etc.

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Canadian Using ATM in the US Empty Re: Canadian Using ATM in the US

Post by DaveP Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:22 pm

Frijoles wrote:Last time I was in Texas I noticed that one bank charged a much higher fee than another (can't remember which banks now). Any suggestions for which is the best ATM for a Canadian to use in the US? Gracias.

Bank of America and ScotiaBank have an agreement and ScotiaBank cardholders pay no ATM fee at BOA machines. Check with your bank via the online message system.
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Canadian Using ATM in the US Empty Re: Canadian Using ATM in the US

Post by Frijoles Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:07 pm

RVGRINGO wrote:Is it possible that you used a private ATM, and not an actual bank ATM? The private ones are always expensive to use, but may be the only choice at some big box stores, etc.

No, this was a building with two banks in it - the bank on one side had the ATM on the outside wall and there was a drive-through ATM for the bank on the other side of the building.
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Canadian Using ATM in the US Empty Re: Canadian Using ATM in the US

Post by Frijoles Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:09 pm

DaveP wrote:
Frijoles wrote:Last time I was in Texas I noticed that one bank charged a much higher fee than another (can't remember which banks now). Any suggestions for which is the best ATM for a Canadian to use in the US? Gracias.

Bank of America and ScotiaBank have an agreement and ScotiaBank cardholders pay no ATM fee at BOA machines. Check with your bank via the online message system.

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