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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

Post by Clueless Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:38 am

The last I read was the judgment against the GIL and many/most of it's members was affirmed at the highest level about 2-years ago, but nothing about anyone closing down or paying.

I have only noticed one thing: Absolute Fenix is now just "Fenix.)

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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty Re: What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

Post by slainte39 Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:41 am

Rumor is, they are all in prison for non-payment of fines. Rolling Eyes
You should go visit them!!

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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty Re: What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

Post by Clueless Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:53 pm

slainte39 wrote:Rumor is, they are all in prison for non-payment of fines. Rolling Eyes
You should go visit them!!

10,000 comedians out of work, and we have one posting right here.

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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty Re: What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:57 pm

And nothing has changed in the fees they charge to sell your house.
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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty Re: What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

Post by gringal Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:17 pm

CanuckBob wrote:And nothing has changed in the fees they charge to sell your house.

Nor the lack of straight dealing. The sellers realtor in my case never even effected separating the utilities as required by law. Long, costly story there. Anyone buying a house here can only dream about "disclosure" as practiced obsessively NOB due to fear of lawsuits. Dream on. Home inspection? Hah. Not if it requires tearing into floors and walls to find the awful truth. May luck be with the buyer.

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What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled  by the government? Empty Re: What ever happened with the GIL anti-trust/manoploy lawsuitfiled by the government?

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