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Need a remote control wizard.

Carry Bean
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Need a remote control wizard.

Post by oncesubtle Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:11 pm

We have a neighbor who is elderly, alone and sight impaired. Her biggest fear is falling and no one knowing she is in trouble. What we'd like to do is get her one of those devices she can wear around her neck when she's home to notify us if she has an emergency. I've been surfing the web and can only find package deals that cost $39.95 a month and include an array of services she doesn't need. What she needs is a simple wireless buzzer in our house that she can activate from her home. Any ideas? &TIA

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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Carry Bean Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:18 pm

Other than a doorbell I can't think of anything & that would depend on if she would be near the button if she had a problem.  You'd think there would be a service like the "Help, I've fallen & I can't get up" one.  Only other option would be a phone call a couple times a day.

Maybe one of those boat horns? Are they small enough that she could carry it in a pocket?

Carry Bean
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by RVGRINGO Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:41 pm

If you are located close enough (maybe 80 feet) you could use a wireless doorbell. You could modify the button to hang on a neck strap. The ringer can be set to a unique tune, and be located in your house. The batteries last a very long time and that should work for you with no monthly fees and a total cost of about $25 USD equivalent.

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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:13 pm

Carry Bean wrote:Other than a doorbell I can't think of anything & that would depend on if she would be near the button if she had a problem.  You'd think there would be a service like the "Help, I've fallen & I can't get up" one.  Only other option would be a phone call a couple times a day.

Maybe one of those boat horns?  Are they small enough that she could carry it in a pocket?

I believe there is a service like that around here. It was through one of the alarm companies. Can't think of the name.
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:05 pm

There IS an 'I've fallen and I can't get up' service here! I believe you can access it through the LCS. If not, PM me, I know someone who has it and I can ask her.

Of all the options, it really is the best product and system. Nice of you guys to care.
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by ferret Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:49 pm

I would like to know the location or contact information of that service. They used to be located opposite La Nueva Posada but it appears that the location has been sold and new construction is taking place.
I really like RVgringo's idea because I'd much rather be contacting somebody I know who can make the right decisions for me based on previous who will take care of my woofies which is far more important to me than my personal self.
At the moment, I have a system of e-mail contact and that person has a key to the house. If I don't e-mail (or call) by a certain time, they have to come and investigate.
I fell in the shower about a month after my hubby passed away which was a HUGE wake up call to me. I gotta tell ya, you actually don't want "strangers" coming in to find you naked on the floor of the shower...nor would they have had a key...nor would my dog (only one then) have even let them in the door.
Lots to think about.
Keep safe.
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Marrell Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:16 pm

Trailrunner wrote:There IS an 'I've fallen and I can't get up' service here! I believe you can access it through the LCS. If not, PM me, I know someone who has it and I can ask her.

Of all the options, it really is the best product and system. Nice of you guys to care.

LCS does not have information on this service. VIDA Alarm (formerly by Nueva Posada) was later located
across the street from LCS but are no longer there. I believe that service is no longer being offered by them.

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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Canada_Mike Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:05 pm

This may be totally off the wall, but why not stop by Steren? They sell alarms and might have an idea. If something blared outside her house then you - or other neighbours - might well hear it and can respond. The trick oof course is that it has to be something she wears around her neck. My mum had one like that, but it's a paid service.
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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Zedinmexico Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:05 pm

Vida is gone.

In some communities I have seen a flashing light outside the house with sign that says " if flashing call police".

Maybe some kind of remote wireless door bell like ones from Steren. Put battery operated doorbell button on a chain around neck and put doorbell where needed.


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Need a remote control wizard. Empty Re: Need a remote control wizard.

Post by Trailrunner Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:13 pm

And don't accidentally get in the shower with that on. . .

Ok, here's the poop. There is a company here, they are in Chapala, and their name is SOSE. The manager is Dani Garcia. They are, apparently, tied to a alarm system.

I know this because I have a friend who has their necklace with the button. Ironically, she fell recently and broke her femur and is bedridden and can't get to her phone book to get the number or contact info for this company. She's happy with the service.

Maybe someone on here knows them and how to reach them for the Oncesubtles and their neighbor.

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