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Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival

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Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival Empty Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival

Post by coffeeguy Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:00 am

We're flying into Guad. to spend the summer at the lake and our flight doesn't get in until almost midnight. I don't recall having heard good things about the hotel(s) right at the airport and was thinking of just taking a taxi to Chapala or Ajijic but am only familiar with B & Bs. Any recommendations for a decent hotel in Chapala or Ajijic where a ~ 1 a.m. arrival wouldn't be a huge imposition?


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Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival Empty Re: Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:36 am

We have guests arrive at our B&B at all hours of the early morning and late night. It is part of doing business so I wouldn't worry about any business being inconvenienced. In Ajijic, you could check out the Hotel Casa Blanca. They have late arrivals all the time.
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Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival Empty Re: Recommendation for a hotel for late-night arrival

Post by coffeeguy Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:32 pm

Thanks very much!

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