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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by Clueless Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:31 am

As per the Guadalajara Reporter opined, the peso will break 20 soon; it closed for the weekend at 18.8280 (interbank rate).

What I have seen over the last couple of months, is that as we et more peso for our US$ (or Canadian), many prices go out, especially in some restaurants and smaller shops where they must buy their supplies in US$.

Walmart has many fixed prices that they have not increased (at least at the shelf/sticker); also, you rarely find any houses priced in pesos, and I don't know about big ticket items such a cars.

Have you noticed any significant changes?
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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by David Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:42 am

When the $US gains or the $MX loses value we get a raise. In 2005 when we moved here it was 10.5 Peso/$1US. It's been nice since we get little or no increase in Social Security each year.
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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by Carry Bean Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:52 am

I've spent a LOT while the dollar is strong because it won't last forever. New stove, sofa, refrigerator, roof redone good for 5 years, other repairs, etc. It's all gone in the local economy and I'm glad I got it done before the dollar sinks.

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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by islandiver Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:13 pm

Mexican core inflation rate is 2.93%
Food inflation 4.6%
Mexico Raises Key Rate to 3.75%

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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by David Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:18 pm

Well, that explains everything!
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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by gpbasap Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:24 am

Clueless wrote:As per the Guadalajara Reporter opined, the peso will break 20 soon; it closed for the weekend at 18.8280 (interbank rate).

What I have seen over the last couple of months, is that as we et more peso for our US$ (or Canadian), many prices go out, especially in some restaurants and smaller shops where they must buy their supplies in US$.

Walmart has many fixed prices that they have not increased (at least at the shelf/sticker); also, you rarely find any houses priced in pesos, and I don't know about big ticket items such a cars.

Have you noticed any significant changes?

One, what small shops must buy their supplies in USD?
And, two, I still have no desire to spend my pesos/dollar on your dog ambulance.

In answer to your question, no, I have not noticed significant changes.
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Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally? Empty Re: Has the weakening of the peso affected you personally?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:07 am

Oh, the dog ambulance! I forgot about that. Since Clueless said he would finance it himself I am sure with the favorable exchange rate he is moving right along with that.
Hey, Clueless, how about an update on the doggy ambulance.
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