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If BREXIT wasn't enough

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If BREXIT wasn't enough  Empty If BREXIT wasn't enough

Post by islandiver Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:12 pm

Euro 2016: Iceland shocks England 2-1 .....and England's 1 goal was a penalty.

Iceland pulled off the biggest shocks in European Championship history by beating England 2-1 in the round of 16 on Monday in France, continuing the astonishing run of the smallest nation at the tournament.

England slumped to its most embarrassing loss in a generation after taking the lead in the fourth minute through Wayne Rooney's penalty.

This defeat will probably go down as England's most humiliating since losing 1-0 to the United States in 1950 World Cup.

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If BREXIT wasn't enough  Empty Re: If BREXIT wasn't enough

Post by hickton Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:11 pm

Not totally unexpected but shameful anyway.thank f. We arent playing the aussies in cricket this summer. But we did stiff them at rugby. look on the bright side of life.

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