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Dog Needs a New Home

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Dog Needs a New Home Empty Dog Needs a New Home

Post by johninajijic Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:39 am

A dog needs a new home. The person who rescued it found a home for the pups. I am posting this for her. This is the dog talking.

I thought I would update everyone on the family. I'm happy to say that all my kids have been adopted into loving families. We've gotten updates on all of them and they are all healthy and happy in their new homes. Now I have to concentrate on finding myself a forever home. I would be a great guard dog or just a friendly companion. As you remember, I'm only a year old so I have lots of energy and I love to play and run in the yard. My friend has been working with me on my leash skills and I'm getting better. Everything is new to me because my previous family just left me alone. I'm very friendly and willing to learn to adapt to new surroundings. If you or anyone you know could find a place for me, I'd be so grateful. Please call or email Donna at 766-3364 or email to
Thanks for helping,
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