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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Carry Bean
Lady Otter Latté
Rosa Venus
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by solajijic Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:29 am

The committee was sworn in just last week or so and it is comprised of local movers. However I too do not think the substance is here for the designation and the fact that the Magico fund is empty means no new designations for years and then pent-up demand for funds to previous magicos that won't get funds they were promised. Typical boondoggle.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Carry Bean Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:12 pm

Local movers who? Harry?

Carry Bean
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:24 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:Vande, you had me until the last two sentences. I think the problem is that it sounded too much like actual posts we read all the time. It is difficult to spoof people who are already spoofs of themselves.

I was guilty of reading it through ezpz lenses. Very Happy

The carretera is and always will be a commercial strip that is constantly evolving with new businesses and probably fast food outlets, just like SAT around the Libramiento.  Below the carretera there could be the preservation of historic village construction for a pueblo magico but it will never be considered a prime colonial example like SMA or Guanajuato.  Maybe an ancient fishing village type of historical import that was endemic to this area and only possible on the shores of Mexico's largest lake.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by hockables Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:31 pm

Vandre wrote:Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was.  But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it.  Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

Oooops.... My Bad
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:45 pm

hockables wrote:
Vandre wrote:Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was.  But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it.  Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

Oooops.... My Bad

Hook swallowers....we are, we are....... lol!

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by hockables Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:57 pm

slainte39 wrote:
hockables wrote:
Vandre wrote:Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was.  But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it.  Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

Oooops.... My Bad

Hook swallowers....we are, we are....... lol!

Being a sensitive soul, and a wee bit humor impaired, I sometimes miss the gist o the jest...
My apologies Mr Vandre. Beer
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:02 pm

Jaja.....maybe just a wee bit "plain ole" impaired........ Beer Beer Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 169387 Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 169387

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Vandre Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:31 pm

Re-reading my orig. post, I can see where, at first glance, one could think I was serious. So, if you did, No Problem.

It all started after reading the first couple of posts and I thought "Oh no, here we go" First will come the people that claim to know what's going on (each different, of course). Then some purporting to have the inside scoop, since they have so many dear friends within the Mexican community. Next will come those that call for a meeting with "Officials" to listen to their concerns about traffic, crime, noise, maintaining the village atmosphere, etc. etc. Finally we'll hear from the "only truly kind & caring" expat segment, animal lovers. They will attest to having seen endangered pygmy sloths & tufted titmouses on or near the property and plead for funds to relocate them. Anyway, it's cheap entertainment. Right?

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:09 pm

Jajajaja.........that's so friggin true. You nailed it!!!!

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic - Page 2 Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:49 pm

I agree, with both of you.

hahaha Carry, so true! What is UP with that anyway?
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