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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

espíritu del lago
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Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:41 pm

If you are like me (at least in this aspect) and would like to be the best ambassador to Mexico from North America. (this is how I've looked at it for the past 4 1/2 years).

Work on setting a good example for the Mexican people.

For example what I have done (and what I've always done while living here) is do things that is unexpected of us.

We have a problem with the dogs tearing up trash (as you do too). But I live at the very end of the trash route and farther up the road the people living on the farms bring the trash to the corner by my house and leave it there to be picked up. I mean a lot of trash!

I've notice a woman come every morning to clean it up. So I decided to go out before she did and clean it up myself. I chained a large metal trash can to a tree for the people to put there trash in I then when up and down the street picking up the trash. All around the people waiting for the bus. You would not believe the smiles I got and the talk about me (a Gringo) cleaning the street.

The man that lives across from me raises cows, horses and chickens. He ran out of money for food for his cows and was cutting grass from the local fields and whatever he could find to feed them. I asked if he could feed them fruit from the guayaba tree in my yard. We have A LOT! he said yes so I picked up  a bushel basket full and took to him for his live stock. I've done this a couple times now.

The owner of the house next to me is my wife's aunt and she lives in L.A. The yard was overgrown and the vines had grown so big they were pulling down the fence. I paid a man to cut and clean the yard and remove the vines. When she come here to visit when we had our child she was so thrilled someone would do that for "Just because". Many people talked about it on our block.

They see me taking in the street dogs and giving them a bath with flea shampoo and letting them back out with flea collars on. (these dogs are owned by all the people on the block sort of like community dogs but living in the streets.)

I've taken in one of them and paid to have him neutered and cancer removed. I've paid hospital, doctor bills and paid for private schools all without being asked.

This is one way to show the locals that you're not like some of the bad people in the U.S.
It is one way I live my life to be part of the community and I know it's the reason why I have no problems in the place I live. It's also the reason why at 5:30 in the morning sitting on my porch having my coffee and cigarette the people walk by, wave and say "Buenos días amego!" It's sort of a morning ritual.


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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by espíritu del lago Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:05 pm

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'

goes a long way it shows respect.... and that you re not an "ugly American."

I wish more people would do whatever they can if they can. It would be wonderful. Maybe just maybe a random act of kindness will become the normal!!!

Bear Dog, May God bless you, your family, freinds and neighbors.


espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:10 pm

Thanks Very Happy


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Post by kiko Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:17 pm

Bien hecho
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Post by Carry Bean Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:21 pm

Way to go!

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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by suegarn Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:43 pm

Thank you Bear Dog, for being a good neighbour and citizen! I'm sure your good deeds will repaid tenfold, either by people doing something nice for you, or 'paying it forward'.

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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:58 pm

[quote="suegarn"]Thank you Bear Dog, for being a good neighbour and citizen!  I'm sure your good deeds will repaid tenfold, either by people doing something nice for you, or 'paying it forward'.[/quote]

Thank you Suegarn for the kind words.  My hope is they pay it forward I have all I need and more than I deserve.
Somehow I think I do better with making friends of the locals than on this web forum at times.
But that's ok with me as I moved to Mexico to immerse myself in their culture and be part of the community.


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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:06 pm

Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 12291810
Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 10626310
Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 10258010
Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 10317810


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Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:07 pm

This.......This has been my reward! By invitation only, I am invited and go every year, to local and not so local, ceremonies and rituals that no other people from the U.S. or Canada get invited to. I get to experience Mexican culture one only gets to see on TV or in documentaries.


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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:35 pm

So what is going on at this ceremony?

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Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:43 pm

I changed the names to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and this is what I wrote a few years ago so when I say I lived in Mexico 2 1/2 years its off a few years.


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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. Empty Re: Just a suggestion for those who care to read it.

Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:43 pm

(Bob I sent you a PM)

A North Americans (Perdón a United States) perspective on the rich life and culture of the Mexican People.

In many ways the XXXXXXXX family is your typical hard working family with a few exceptions. XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX believes in some of the old ways of Mexico mixed with some new ideas.
The weekend of November 15th XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX hosted the XII annual meeting of “Our Corn and Our Culture.” This meeting is hosted by a family, in a different part of the state of Jalisco Mexico each year.

I have lived in Mexico for almost two and one half years now.
On this weekend I was both honored and humbled as I was invited to a special event hosted by my wifes father XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX and his family.
There is a very close tie between their religion and their growing of the much needed corn crops. The celebration and ceremonies started on Saturday November 15 and went until the 16th.
People come from all over Mexico for this event, two men had drove some 14 hours from Chiapas Mexico without eating. When they arrived in the late afternoon of Saturday they were met with a warm welcome of frijoles (beans), tortillas, rice and zucchini, corn salad and drink.

They had shown up tired and hungry not knowing anybody at the event and then what I seen next was wonderful! With open arms and big smiles the XXXXXXXX family cleared a table set out chairs then went to work warming up a plate of food as if they were long lost family members.

The men (late 20’s) smiled, introduced themselves and told of the long drive to Santa Cruz from Chiapas Mexico. I remember one of the men had a several silver teeth and as he spoke and smiled and they lit up his face ever grateful for the hot food.
There was another man that heard of the event by word of mouth. He flew from all the way from Chile South America, an 11 hour flight and $900 (American and very large amount of money for him.) He told me that “it was very important” for him to attend this ceremony, and he was very excited to be able to come. He turned out to be a very talented with a guitar (guitarra) and played for all of us Saturday night after the Ceremony of the Corn.

The days started with breakfast and coffee that gave way to an open forum for the people to speak about their concerns of life, the economy and the future of local produce and farming. One of the main concerns was about the slowly encroaching “GMO’s” of Monsanto. Many people believe that Monsanto is not in Mexico but they are located at these addresses . There is a concern among many people that GMO’s are the safe or at least are not the way to grow a sustainable food source.
This meeting is a way to get out the much needed information to the people, in that they can grow organic food locally for their family and sell what is not needed at local markets to help bring money into the family.
After the meetings XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX took the people out to his fields to show them what he is able to grow for food and to sell in the local organic markets. He explains the work needed to grow food without chemical fertilizers. It was at this time the people had many questions, how do you water, weed, cultivate and what crops can be grown. With an eagerness he to as much time as needed to encourage everyone that “They too can grow food even on a small piece of land.” After a tour of the field and his ranch it was time for lunch.

The XXXXXXXX family (with help from others) was always busy cooking for the approximately 100 people. In the two days there was 100 kilos of beans, 15 kilos of corn, 30 kilos of tortillas and 230 liters of Pozole (among others things) that was cook that weekend. After lunch was time to talk openly and to get to know each other, where they come from and what life was like for them.
In the early evening on Saturday they started the “Ceremony of the corn” It is rooted in a Mexican tradition that may have come from Maya people of southern Mexico. Even if so the ceremony is done in many different ways yet with much of the same underling meanings and Blessings. After the Blessings the seeds and corn was exchanged with each other so that they can bring back another variety to their home town to grow and to pass out the seeds to others.
At night after all of this was time for music, songs, food and tequila! There were many talented people taking turns playing guitar and leading in song. I was only able to stay awake until 1AM but the party went on until 3AM.
The next day even more people came for the days meetings and exchange of ideas then an open market to sell home made goods of chocolates, honey and handmade items.


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Post by suegarn Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:51 pm

Sounds fascinating!

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Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:07 pm

It's funny that you bring this up, yesterday I spoke with an 89 year old black woman named Helen at a Veterans day parade. She was in a wheelchair in front of a gift store. In front of the store were a bunch of familiar plants. I was mumbling the names off to myself. There was a plant I knew but couldn't remember the name of it.

She said 'Mullien'  I was startled and I said. I know it by another name. We got to talking she told me that she wants me to bring a notebook and she wants me to write them down. I said "why me" she told me she had a dream about a man in uniform. (I was in my VFW Official Officer Uniform) for the parade.

SHe told me to come back next week and she had something for me, I was puzzled and asked her why she laughed and her eyes were laser sharp and stared me staight in my eyes, I returned the look.

She said "sometimes your legs and ankles swell and you have varicose veins and I'm going to tell you how to cure the veins with the Mullien".)  How do you know this I said.

To make a long story short she told me her grandchildren called her crazy and told her they weren't interested in her cures.

They were real doctors! Her daughter is a cardiologist at Austin Heart in Austin. She said it with a heavy heart and great sorrow. I was very sad for her.

We said our goodbyes and I proceeded into the gift shop.
There were hand made clothes, embroidered, crocheted, knitted itiem and hand made shoes!! boots too!!! I know the real deal when I see it. Any I was looking for a special something for someone who has pancreatic cancer to cheer her up.

Ther it was!!! Three Angles in a circle with there wings touching holding a pyrex oil scent holder with a place below with anoter pyrex candle holder with a hand crafted green candle in it.

As I picked it up the pyrex oil holder flew off and smashed to smitherines! I wanted to craw under a rock. I asked for a broom so I could clean it up. Not happening..

The 3 Angles had long red hair, blue eyes and long flowing green gown on a Roman pedistle, made of fin porcelain. I'm thinking this is going to cost a small fortune, but I wanted it anyway.

I went to pay for itand a couple of other rather unique presents for Christmas.

I profusely apologized and ask what the total was.
Now another younger women 50ish said the Angels were $5.00!!! I said pardon me mamn I think you're mistaken.

No she replied, I'm not mistaken!!! Well I settled up with her and she said "We'll be expecting you next week!!!

I said that sounds lovely and proceed out the door past Helen.

espíritu del lago
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Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:49 pm

Helen said " You were chosen by the Angels and someone you love dearly has cancer" !!! I was shocked!!!
I've never been in this shop or met this woman. She said she going to die, I already knew this... Helen said next week I wive have something special to give to you for her.

It won't cure her but it will ease her pain and she will live longer if she takes it!! I was in shock!!!

She asked me if her name was June? That did it!! I said why yes it is how do you know this? There was that lazer sharp clear eye to eye contact again! Helen said, she's from Chelsey Massetuettes!!! She said "go on home on home and bring that note book and I'll expect you next week!!

So this morning at 10:24 my phone rang it was Helen she said "Come to the shop I'll have your cure and her medicine."

I told her I'd be there and what time was good for her and that I'd like to buy you luch or dinner what ever you prefer.

Stay tuned for another update.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by suegarn Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:44 pm

espiritu del lago, why do you have to hijack a perfectly nice thread with something totally unrelated to this conversation? Start your own thread next time!

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Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:39 pm

Me&BearDog wrote:Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 12291810
Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 10626310
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Just a suggestion for those who care to read it. 10317810
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Post by slainte39 Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:04 am

If you are trying to sell memberships on this board......
as Mr. Trump would say......YOU'RE FIRED!! lol!

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