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Sliding dooor

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Sliding dooor Empty Sliding dooor

Post by Canada_Mike Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:28 pm

Hi. I would like to change the doors on my mirador large open-close glass and open-close screens to a slider. Can someone please recommend a tradesperson who does such work.


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Sliding dooor Empty Re: Sliding dooor

Post by ferret Fri Nov 25, 2016 7:50 am

Not sure what you really want...nor what is currently existing.

I can give you the name of a wonderful guy who does windows in aluminum. His work is excellent. And I really like one of his styles that puts an open/close on either side (right/left) of the sliding door so that it opens both ways. He does accordian sliding doors and accordion sliding screens. He does NOT speak English.

I have just had some windows done. It will be a staged process 'cuz I have a LOT of windows.

My difficulty with him came because I was keeping the iron grills in the window but they needed to be removed from a boxed screen and reinstalled.
Guess what? My great aluminum guy sucks at iron work. I should have known.
So, that's why I'm inquiring as to what is already there as it may be a two stage job with two different kinds of specialists involved.

And my windows are awesome now but I was pulling my hair out for a week.
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Sliding dooor Empty Re: Sliding dooor

Post by Canada_Mike Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:18 am

I just had a friend over who gave me a name. This guy wil use my existing doors, but put them in tracks, screen too. So that will be much more barato than a whole new door thing.

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Sliding dooor Empty Re: Sliding dooor

Post by ferret Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:07 pm

Cool! Nice find.

Here are all my contacts for windows just in case.

Aluminum windows, doors and screens
Jose Reyes Blas...does not speak English
Galeana 69B
766-5286 or cell phone 333-815-1594

Window Cleaning
The one and only Saul
765-4507 or cell phone 333-454-4625

Window Tinting
cell phone 331-048-9610

Iron Work including windows
Beto...speaks English
766-2322 or cell phone number 333-170-7410

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Sliding dooor Empty Re: Sliding dooor

Post by Canada_Mike Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:27 pm

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Age : 79
Humor : New York

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