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Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada

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Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada Empty Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada

Post by Frijoles Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:37 pm

I'm thinking of selling my Mexican car and should get between 90,000 and 100,000 pesos for it. I don't want to keep that much money in a Mexican bank. Has anyone transferred a large amount of pesos from a Mexican bank to their Canadian bank account? Unfortunately my Canadian bank isn't affiliated with one in Mexico. I don't have a Mexican bank account yet. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada Empty Re: Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada

Post by CanuckBob Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:52 pm

Could the buyer pay you via PayPal, interact etransfer or direct wire transfer?

Paypal can be connected to your bank account. Being in the B&B business that is how I get most of my payments. I don't have a Mexican bank account either.

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Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada Empty Re: Transferring Money from Mexico to Canada

Post by slainte39 Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:43 pm

All you need is the SWIFT no. and your account no. for your Canadian bank and the Mexican bank can send a wire transfer.  If you don't have a Mexican bank account I doubt that you can walk into any bank with just cash and have them send it. Perhaps the buyer can have his/her bank make the transfer if you are willing to pay the wire transfer fee.....or anyone you know with that amount of funds in a Mexican account that is willing to take the cash.
With a Mexican bank account it should be rather simple.

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