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How ofetn is a smog check required?

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:44 am

I thought I posted this before, but can't find it.

Anyone know the answer?

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:30 am

Every year. It must be done in the month that corresponds to the last digit on your license plate.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Trailrunner Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:45 am

The last digit of my plate is 0, what month am I due?
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:44 am

Month / Ending Plate Digit
January 1
February 2
March 3
April 4
May 5
June - Nobody
July 6
August 7
September 8
October 9
November 0
December - Nobody

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Trailrunner Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:08 am

Thanks, Bob!
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Frijoles Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:23 am

CanuckBob wrote:Every year. It must be done in the month that corresponds to the last digit on your license plate.

If someone hasn't had theirs done for a year or two, can they just go get it done, or will there be a fine? Anyone know? Thanks.
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by RVGRINGO Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:32 am

Just go and get it done.  The garage that does the inspection does not fine anyone.  Vialidad can ticket you for driving without a current sticker.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Intercasa Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:22 pm

Once a year unless commercial vehicle or in the name of a company
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Bubba2shoes Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:24 pm

Just to clarify. We live in both Jalisco (in Ajijic) and Chiapas (in San Cristóbal de Las Casas). These states are some 1400 kilometers distant from each other. We have two cars purchased in Guadalajara and both have Jalisco license plates with the last digit being four which requires that we renew smog checks in April in Jalisco where the cars is at that point in time are normally in Chiapas. We have, as a result, always renewed our smog certiicate at odd times of the year other than April. This has never been an issue. Actually, this is only a serious issue from time-to-time in Guadalajara. Otherwise nobody gives a damn one way or the other either in rural Jalisco or anywhere in Chiapas or any other southern Mexican state. I am not making a value judgment here. but merely stating the way it is.

Lose no tears over smog checks which, as in parts of the United States, are often a racket anyway here in Mexico.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:57 pm

Removing all the topes would do far more to reduce pollution than these smog checks (which nobody seems to get) will. Looking at windshields I see very few smog stickers.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by David Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:10 am

It's simply another law that has no enforcement.
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by RichD Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:35 am

David wrote:It's simply another law that has no enforcement.

Unless you have pale skin while driving a nice car.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Intercasa Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:05 pm

Driving While White
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:07 pm

I have never encountered this problem.

Maybe it is driving while white and breaking the law?? It seems to me that 90% of the "mordida" stories I hear always start with:

"I accidentally ran a red light" OR
"I was going down a one way street the wrong way" OR
"I forgot to put my seatbelt on" OR
"I didn't realize you can't turn left on a solid" OR
"I didn't know you can't turn left when the arrow isn't flashing"


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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Carry Bean Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:15 pm

I never have had that problem either but I have never driven a foreign plated car either.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by brigitte Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:26 pm

Yes I agree 90 % of the mordida cases start with someone being stopped while doing something they should not be doing..and then you have the made up infractions making up the 10% of the cases or those I would include breaking the speed limit when the speed limit sign is inexistent or hidden, stopping at a stop sign where  no one else does and "starting too fast" speeding over speed bumps because the car should go  padam padam and did vroom..not stopping at a red light when there is no light bulb therefore  you have to guess it is a red light and on and on..

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Trailrunner Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:35 pm

hahaha. Yep, well said. Are you sure that's only 10 percent? I'd have to guess a little higher than that. But not much!
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by slainte39 Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:45 am

CanuckBob wrote:I have never encountered this problem.

Maybe it is driving while white and breaking the law?? It seems to me that 90% of the "mordida" stories I hear always start with:

"I accidentally ran a red light" OR
"I was going down a one way street the wrong way" OR
"I forgot to put my seatbelt on" OR
"I didn't realize you can't turn left on a solid" OR
"I didn't know you can't turn left when the arrow isn't flashing"


My experience and totally agree with your post.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:38 am

Many years ago I was pulled over in Guadalajara for no reason (traffic violation) at all. They said they were checking for drugs and alcohol. They checked all my ID and the car and then said sorry and rode off. They never asked for anything and I never offered.

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Intercasa Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:17 am

Bob sounds like you were pulled over by municipal police or state police who dont enforce traffic regs.
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by RichD Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:33 pm

Those that don't get bit by the local cops have never driven in Mexico City, Veracruz state, or Tabasco state.
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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:38 pm

Intercasa wrote:Bob sounds like you were pulled over by municipal police or state police who dont enforce traffic regs.  

Nope, they were transitos on motorcycles. I think maybe they were looking for someone. Helping the cops maybe?

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How ofetn is a smog check required? Empty Re: How ofetn is a smog check required?

Post by Bubba2shoes Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:20 pm

RichD wrote:Those that don't get bit by the local cops have never driven in Mexico City, Veracruz state, or Tabasco state.

Well said but add to that the states of Puebla, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and numerous other political jurisdictions  and we only drive with Jalisco plates in modest vehicles Of course, none of that compares with an African American family driving through my South Alabama hometown circa 1955 with Michigan plates who were lucky to be still alive after Deputy Sheriff Billy Bob hauled their asses into   the local hoosegow for speeding through town at 11MPH when the speed limit was 10MPH.  You think Mexico is corrupt?

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