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Invitation to Canadians

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Invitation to Canadians Empty Invitation to Canadians

Post by Bill Phillips Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:54 pm

I have just received the following e-mail from the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City:


The Consul of Canada to Mexico, Ms. Rachelle Dalton, and the Consular Officer for the Consulate of Canada in Guadalajara, Ms. Ana Lilia Bará, would like to invite all Canadians living or travelling in Guadalajara, Chapala, Ajijic and surroundings to an information session on consular services available to Canadians in Mexico. The presentation will take place on Monday, March 13, 2017, 3:00 pm, at La Nueva Posada, Donato Guerra No. 9, 45920 Ajijic Jalisco. Refreshments will be served.

Please respond to if you plan on attending this event. We would also be grateful if you could share this message with other Canadians living or travelling in your area. 

We look forward to meeting you. 

Consular Section 
Embassy of Canada                   
Schiller 529                    
Col. Bosque de Chapultepec              
Mexico City, Mexico                 
01-800-706-2900 (within Mexico)                     

Canadian Consulate  
World Trade Center (WTC) 
Torre Pacífico, Piso 8 
Av. Mariano Otero 1249
Col. Rinconada del Bosque 
44530 Guadalajara, Jalisco
Tel: (33) 1818- 4200
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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Age : 80
Location : Trent Lakes Ont. in the summer - Chula Vista in the winter

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Invitation to Canadians Empty Re: Invitation to Canadians

Post by zenwoodle Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:33 pm

This might be a trick orchestrated by the Mexican government to get us all in one place then deport us. Beer Beer
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Location : Ajijic, formerly from Ontario
Humor : Sarcastic, but nobody seems to get it

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Invitation to Canadians Empty Re: Invitation to Canadians

Post by sallys other sister Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:35 pm

Maybe they are going to give all of us a T shirt.
sallys other sister
sallys other sister
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Invitation to Canadians Empty Re: Invitation to Canadians

Post by Bill Phillips Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:05 pm

zenwoodle wrote:This might be a trick orchestrated by the Mexican government to get us all in one place then deport us. Beer Beer
That would only happen if were Americans.... Canadians are still loved here....
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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Age : 80
Location : Trent Lakes Ont. in the summer - Chula Vista in the winter

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Invitation to Canadians Empty Re: Invitation to Canadians

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:58 am

oatsie wrote:
zenwoodle wrote:This might be a trick orchestrated by the Mexican government to get us all in one place then deport us. Beer Beer
That would only happen if were Americans....  Canadians are still loved here....

Not the Canadian mining companies!  Things have changed reputation wise.  US mining companies no better.

We all love you Canadians and lakeside would be very different without you folks from the great white north.


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Location : On the hill in Ajijic
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