sallys other sister
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I am in the process of opening up an account with HSBC bank on line, I noticed that they have banks all over Mexico. Do you recommend them? I see a lot have Bancomer and others but it looks like I would have to wait until I get down there to open up an account.
sallys other sister- Share Holder
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Re: HSBC Bank
IMHO the smaller Mexican banks are superior to the International (foreign owned) banks. Especially in terms of personal service. My choice several years ago was Banco Multiva.
David- Share Holder
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Re: HSBC Bank
Is Multvia a "full service bank???? like HSBC
lakeside7- Share Holder
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Re: HSBC Bank
What's your definition of "full service?" They certainly meet all of my banking needs. There are a couple of differences; they have never been accused or convicted of laundering money, and they report nothing the the US government.
David- Share Holder
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Re: HSBC Bank
And I've never heard of any fraud or disappeared client bank accounts at MV . . .unlike their competitor!
Trailrunner- Share Holder
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Re: HSBC Bank
That too!
David- Share Holder
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