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A recommendation and something on my Wish List

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A recommendation and something on my Wish List Empty A recommendation and something on my Wish List

Post by Clueless Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:16 pm

RECOMMENDATION: It's probably been mentioned before but no harm in an additional plug.

The Chapala chapter of Toastmasters International is a great place to gain or hone your public speaking (and general communication) skills. My last recollection is that it is bi-lingual. The people are more than friendly and very supportive.

I know at least one person who really had an almost fear of public speaking, however with some serious encouragement, she went to a meeting.

Today, this lady has given talks on cruise ships, for which she gets a free cruise for her and her guest.

I am a Charter Member but due to my hearing disability and lack of Spanish skills, I don't attend, but it's a great opportunity.

WISH LIST. One thing I have learned from this and TOB is that there is no lack of people with diversified opinions on just about anything one could think of.

I would love to see/have a debating "society" for those so inclined. It could even put on public debates occasionally.

When I first arrived Lakeside myself and a lady here, put on "Lakside Forums" which were penal discussions. They were at the Nueva Posada and included "They Shoot Horses, don't they?" This was on assisted suicide. There was also "Senior Sex, Use it or Los it." Very well attended. There were several others as I recall.

Anyway, just some thoughts for a beautiful Saturday morning Lakeside.

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A recommendation and something on my Wish List Empty Re: A recommendation and something on my Wish List

Post by slainte39 Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:38 pm

Penal discussions???
I'm too old to be thinking about a life of crime and how I would handle the punishment.

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