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Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

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Phone Scammer Again.....  where to report these calls? Empty Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

Post by Seymour Sam Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:34 pm

On Saturday my friend in Colorado had a call on her cel from 52-1-333-181-8992. She answered and there was a hang up. After a few seconds she received a text... "hi, this is Mike, I'm a friend of xxxx. Her phone died & she needs $, pls send to my number at Farmacia Guadalajara." My friend replied, "I'm in Colorado". He texted "yes, you can send $ to Mex, no problem". She then figured it was extortion, and didn't reply. I happen to be in the states, and saw her today and she mentioned the exchange. Unfortunately she deleted the text, but we had the number from the hang up.

"Mike" has called my landline in the past, asking me to guess who it is; once he called and said "it's Michael", I said who? He replied "your favorite nephew silly!". I hung up. I have one nephew, not named Michael. In late March, he called posing as my neighbor, from Costco. I played with him, "Oh Jim" and finally told him I didn't have a neighbor Jim. I think he forgot he called me and called back hours later, same story.

This morning, while I was on another call, I had a call from Mexico on my mother's number here in Colorado. It was call waiting, and I wasn't able to see the whole number. It may have begun with 653. The weird thing is that it does not appear in the list of calls received.

i know he can find my name and landline in the Telmex Directory. What frightens me is I have no idea how he could get my friend's cell number in the states. She has never called me except on my Mexican cell, and has never been to Mexico. Can someone hack my cell? And how did whoever get my mother's landline number in the states. This scammer is getting far too sophisticated. The whole thing is starting to freak me out.

Again, where can I report such calls? I doubt very much if one reports scam/fraud calls to the Ministerio Publico. I seem to remember there was a number to make reports to, a few years ago. Any help or suggestions are very appreciated.

Seymour Sam

Posts : 37
Join date : 2016-12-29

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Phone Scammer Again.....  where to report these calls? Empty Re: Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:52 pm

Do you have any online accounts such as Facebook or Google (Gmail). These types of accounts usually have all your contacts info and are regularly hacked.

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Phone Scammer Again.....  where to report these calls? Empty Re: Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

Post by Seymour Sam Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:07 pm

Thanks Bob. I do have both Facebook and google, but on the surface of it, neither were hacked. I change my passwords regularly. The friend who received a call doesn't appear in any of my contacts lists. Any other suggestions?

Seymour Sam

Posts : 37
Join date : 2016-12-29

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Phone Scammer Again.....  where to report these calls? Empty Re: Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:12 pm

Nope.......other than maybe your maid or gardener has had access to your phone and wrote down some info. I know someone who had this exact thing happen.

Vacation Rentals
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Phone Scammer Again.....  where to report these calls? Empty Re: Phone Scammer Again..... where to report these calls?

Post by Seymour Sam Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:11 pm

Thanks for the reply as housekeeper has worked for me for almost fourteen years and takes care of the plants. She's quite an amazing woman, who manages my house and my tenants when I'm traveling. Actually, my cell is rarely charged... The guy who has called is the "Michael" many of us have had extortion calls from, and the "neighbor" who called, as above. I recognize his voice. I just can't figure out how he has a U.S cell number of a friend, who doesn't appear in my contacts. That's the scary thing. A number of lakesiders have been taken in by one or another of his similar but varying scams and have sent him funds through Oxxo.

Seymour Sam

Posts : 37
Join date : 2016-12-29

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