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Going to the US Friday or Saturday?

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Going to the US Friday or Saturday? Empty Going to the US Friday or Saturday?

Post by solajijic Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:14 pm

After dropping a vehicle off at a flat lot storage area near the Cleveland airport they have decided it needs to be moved. If someone is going to the US Friday afternoon or Ssturday could you take an envelope with a car key in it to mail to a friend in Cleveland who will then be able to move the vehicle. This will involve just popping the envelope into a US mailbox somewhere along your route. Thanks.

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Location : Ajijic November 2004
Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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Going to the US Friday or Saturday? Empty Re: Going to the US Friday or Saturday?

Post by solajijic Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:34 am

Done, thanks

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Posts : 648
Join date : 2011-03-24
Location : Ajijic November 2004
Humor : "I a, a practical woman. Sentiment only takes one so far. At some point, practicality must enter the room."

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