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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 08, 2017 12:02 pm

Has been deleted. The blogs details surrounding the event were debunked by the fire department and it was slanderous against the hotel. My information comes from a trusted source. I do wonder about people who have "problems" everywhere they go.....

I'm sure Chillin (the original OP) would be happy to answer any questions via PM for those that are curious.

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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by CHILLIN Mon May 08, 2017 2:59 pm

Fair 'nuff CB - your board, your rules. An important take way for me is that when you travel, carry one of those low cost smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 08, 2017 4:42 pm

I never allow unsubstantiated stories or rumors that may damage someone's reputation or business.

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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by Trailrunner Mon May 08, 2017 4:51 pm

I agree, CB, that was the right thing to do.

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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon May 08, 2017 6:24 pm

Thank you, CB.
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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by slainte39 Mon May 08, 2017 11:47 pm

There are rumors  and then there are vicious rumors.
Only allowed in US politics....... lol!

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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by CHILLIN Tue May 09, 2017 5:21 am

Look folks - these claims were well documented, with doctor's diagnosis etc. I don't know why the "bomberos" were involved. When the wife returned to the room, the old water heater had been ripped out, and a new one in its place. If it is a scam, it sure doesn't fit their family profile, if they were playing a game, it would have been many times more lucrative in the U.S.A. I guess someone enjoys spending many nerve wracking hours in a hospital bed? To skip out on a weekends hotel bill? Not likely at all. For litigation - not likely at all, not in Mexico. I agree though that the husband had/has lung problems, enough to retire early from a California Hazmat team. This one is not ready for the Snope's list yet.
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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue May 09, 2017 9:12 am

How do you "know" that when the wife returned to the room the old water heater had been torn out and a new one put in its place? The wife said so. I do not believe she is lying. She is telling her story from her perspective as she remembers it. Something did happen. But none of us knows exactly what or how. CB is correct to delete the post.
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The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story Empty Re: The Brady's (actually O'Grady's) story

Post by Trailrunner Tue May 09, 2017 9:56 am

Yeah, I agree LOL, this is no place to hash over the details of these people's lives. Even though she blogs it all.

I have no doubt all this happened, the diagnosis must be correct as they don't fire up bariatric chambers for nothing and I believe he had 2 treatments in the chamber. He is SOOO lucky there are bariatric chambers in Guad!

I hope he recovers well and look forward to hearing that he has returned to his normal life.
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