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Adding Machine Rolls

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Adding Machine Rolls Empty Adding Machine Rolls

Post by DaveP Fri May 19, 2017 7:56 am

Just a thought. Has anyone seen standard 2.25 inch (57x60 mm) adding machine rolls for sale. I have looked at a couple of papelerias but they only had cash register rolls that are bigger. Yes I can get them on Mercado Libre but don't know what I would do with a box of 100.

I know that Office Max and Office Depot have them but don't want to drive to Guad for a 30 peso item (3 pack)

Just hoping someone has seen them in their travels

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Adding Machine Rolls Empty Re: Adding Machine Rolls

Post by CanuckBob Fri May 19, 2017 8:32 am

Office Max and Office Depot do home delivery.

Vacation Rentals
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Adding Machine Rolls Empty Re: Adding Machine Rolls

Post by DaveP Fri May 19, 2017 8:59 am

CanuckBob wrote:Office Max and Office Depot do home delivery.

I know Bob, but for a 30 peso item. If I have to I will but I am more inclined to buy a box of 100 and try to dispense of them locally or try to get you to bring back a 3 or 6 pack from Canada.
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