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Updating or deleting old lists

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Updating or deleting old lists Empty Updating or deleting old lists

Post by CanuckBob Sun May 21, 2017 10:10 am

Many of the lists we have pinned at the top of various sections are getting old and outdated. Most of them were posted by John in 2012. I am thinking of deleting them since I don't want outdated lists on here. Before I do that is there anyone who wants to volunteer to update and maintain these lists going forward. I can certainly help.

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Updating or deleting old lists Empty Re: Updating or deleting old lists

Post by CHILLIN Sun May 21, 2017 12:11 pm

The important one is 911. I think they are still adjusting to State wide system though.

The other is an update list of what Seguro Popular covers. Now up to 266 categories. Here in Gogglish language. I sure hope I don't get that bearded vulture disease Very Happy

Apologies - I can't seem to port over the translation here. Go to google, search seguro popular, then when you see the hit for, ask google for a English translation. Maybe someone knows how to save a document as a screen shot?
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