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Espiritu del Lago

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Espiritu del Lago Empty Espiritu del Lago

Post by Trailrunner Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:58 am

Dear EdelL,

Last night/early this morning, you have posted at least 14 links to this webboard. You did not write a single post, just long lists of links. Why do you do this? Do you think anyone reads them? Do you think no one here knows how to google a subject when they want to know more about it??? Do you think no one but you reads the news???

I never read your links, I foe'd you long ago and just keep on scrolling. Why do you do this?
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Espiritu del Lago Empty Re: Espiritu del Lago

Post by slainte39 Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:49 am

Trailrunner wrote:Dear EdelL,

Last night/early this morning, you have posted at least 14 links to this webboard. You did not write a single post, just long lists of links. Why do you do this? Do you think anyone reads them? Do you think no one here knows how to google a subject when they want to know more about it??? Do you think no one but you reads the news???

I never read your links, I foe'd you long ago and just keep on scrolling. Why do you do this?

The board offers a bonus for the most number of posts???? lol!

Seriously, you are correct, I don't read them either, just as I scroll over most of the headlines on MSNBC.  Maybe some form of aberration of behavior Very Happy , as it only happens periodically.

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Espiritu del Lago Empty Re: Espiritu del Lago

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:05 pm

It used to really bother me too, and I certainly do not understand why he does it. But, for some reason, it stopped annoying me. As Slainte noted it happens only periodically. I chalk it up to either a tick or a coping mechanism.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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Espiritu del Lago Empty Re: Espiritu del Lago

Post by Trailrunner Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:41 pm

You guys are right, it happens in spurts but when it happens it's a friggin tidal wave. So annoying.

hahaha Slainte, well he wins the price for sure.

LOL, I have to adopt your attitude! I'm going to work on it. Ommmmmm
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