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Another great experience in Mexico

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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Another great experience in Mexico

Post by REC Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:30 pm

When I I got up this morning and was getting ready to run some errands I couldn't find my wallet. I looked all over the house, in the car, etc. and couldn't find it. I was thinking about all the hassles to get a replacement driver's license, INM card, credit cards, etc. not to mention some cash I had just gotten out of the ATM machine, What a mess.

I started thinking back and finally determined that the last time I was sure I had it was when we went to a movie at Interlago Mall on the libramiento yesterday afternoon. I went by there about 1:30 today and they were all locked up as movies didn't start until later in the afternoon. I went back by again about 6:30 and talked to a couple of very pleasant and helpful employees. They went and got a young lady who introduced herself as the manager, I explained what I was looking for and she asked me a couple of questions - and then told me to wait for a couple of minutes. She unlocked the office and then opened a locked desk drawer. And out came my wallet!

Absolutely everything was there - including all of the cash! I thanked her profusely and tried to give her a nice reward - which she refused. In fact she said that was not even working yesterday and wasn't exactly sure who had found it. I insisted that she accept the reward and we finally agreed that she would use the money I was offering to buy drinks and snacks for everyone.

There are people that will take advantage of you anywhere - and people that will exhibit exceptional kindness everywhere, My experiences in Mexico have been overwhelmingly positive. Another great day in our little bit of paradise.

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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by Trailrunner Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:41 pm

Nice story, thanks.
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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by Clueless Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:30 pm

flag waver Same feeling here
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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by kiko Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:32 am

That has happened to me three times in Mexico and never once was anything missing or taken.
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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by ferret Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:20 am

I'd have to have my own blog to document all the wonderful positive experiences, like this, that I've had in my last 21 years of living in Mexico. Wonderful to hear about yours.
In every culture, there's the good, the bad and the ugly. Mostly, I run into the good :)
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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:10 am

I have had Walmart employees chase me out to my car to return my charge card.

Vacation Rentals
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Another great experience in Mexico Empty Re: Another great experience in Mexico

Post by gobluejohn Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:27 am

same, when I forgot something at the checkout, someone would come running with what ever it was, nice feeling
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