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Truth be known...who's paranoid

Carry Bean
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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by MexicoPete Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:50 am

I had to post using my real name because when I didn't I would try to be funny and sometimes say something that was rather dumb and I would occasionally get banned. By using my real name and sometimes my picture keeps me honest and more polite.
And if you look at my age, you will know that my picture isn't the recent


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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by gringal Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:05 pm

MexicoPete wrote:I had to post using my real name because when I didn't I would try to be funny and sometimes say something that was rather dumb and I would occasionally get banned. By using my real name and sometimes my picture keeps me honest and more polite.
And if you look at my age, you will know that my picture isn't the recent


Pete, if that photo isn't so recent, we can tell you were a real foxy guy at some point, and I'll bet you're a well preserved 107 year old. Age is just a number, right? But what a number, you big fibber!

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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by JayBear Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:14 pm

CanuckBob, you have parents??? Blows my mind to imagine that.

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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:47 pm

Consider your mind blown then.......... Beer Beer

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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by JayBear Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:25 pm

I'm thinking about this. Give me another drink;) No, seriously Bob, us loyal admirers want to know what your childhood was like. You were a cute kid, yes? Inordinately talented and precocious. Do tell. Might start a new thread where we all talk about our childhoods. Maybe not!!!!

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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by gringal Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:41 pm

JayBear wrote:I'm thinking about this. Give me another drink;) No, seriously Bob, us loyal admirers want to know what your childhood was like. You were a cute kid, yes? Inordinately talented and precocious. Do tell. Might start a new thread where we all talk about our childhoods. Maybe not!!!!

Shocked Shocked Shocked

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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by MexicoPete Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:10 pm

gringal wrote:
MexicoPete wrote:I had to post using my real name because when I didn't I would try to be funny and sometimes say something that was rather dumb and I would occasionally get banned. By using my real name and sometimes my picture keeps me honest and more polite.
And if you look at my age, you will know that my picture isn't the recent


Pete, if that photo isn't so recent, we can tell you were a real foxy guy at some point, and I'll bet you're a well preserved 107 year old.  Age is just a number, right?  But what a number, you big fibber!

My reasons for showing this age are pretty funny. Maybe 15 years ago when the Chapala Forum was new and I was a new member I noticed that they only had room for two numbers when you showed your age. So I entered 99 and wondered what age they would show the following year. Well I showed up as 98 followed by 99 where it stayed until they increased the data field to hold 3 numbers. And soon I became 101 then 102 etc. Now this really upset Pedro, because I never changed the picture that was taken, I don't know, maybe 10 years ago. Pedro kept on posting demanding I show a current picture. The more he posted the funnier I though it was. And so I did nothing

Now he posts on the Chapala forum as Ned Small, and every once in a while he tells us how great his friend Pedro is.

And if one of you sees me on the street and asks me how old I am, I will tell you, no big deal. I'm just having fun.
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Truth be known...who's paranoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Truth be known...who's paranoid

Post by MexicoPete Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:23 pm

gringal wrote:
MexicoPete wrote:I had to post using my real name because when I didn't I would try to be funny and sometimes say something that was rather dumb and I would occasionally get banned. By using my real name and sometimes my picture keeps me honest and more polite.
And if you look at my age, you will know that my picture isn't the recent


Pete, if that photo isn't so recent, we can tell you were a real foxy guy at some point, and I'll bet you're a well preserved 107 year old.  Age is just a number, right?  But what a number, you big fibber!

My reasons for showing this age are pretty funny. Maybe 15 years ago when the Chapala Forum was new and I was a new member I noticed that they only had room for two numbers when you showed your age. So I entered 99 and wondered what age they would show the following year. Well I showed up as 98 followed by 99 where it stayed until they increased the data field to hold 3 numbers. And soon I became 101 then 102 etc. Now this really upset Pedro, because I never changed the picture that was taken, I don't know, maybe 10 years ago. Pedro kept on posting demanding I show a current picture. The more he posted the funnier I though it was. And so I did nothing

Now he posts on the Chapala forum as Ned Small, and every once in a while he tells us how great his friend Pedro is.

And if one of you sees me on the street and asks me how old I am, I will tell you, no big deal. I'm just having fun.
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