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DUI Roadblocks

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by gringal Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:33 am

Clete wrote:
CHILLIN wrote:
Clete wrote:
CHILLIN wrote:  people here do not like to drive at night.  

Where do you come up with this bullshit?

Why do you insist on convincing us that you are an angry, old crunk? First of all, a lot of people's night vision is impaired after 60, second of all, we are talking about driving full velocity on the highway, not sneaking around the back streets to get in a last round in at the American Legion.

Why do you insist on making ridiculous statements like the one I quoted? First of all, when you say "people here" you do realize that gringos over 60 make up a miniscule percentage of the population. Have you ever driven the periferico in Guadalajara at 4:30 am? If you had you would realize that people here drive at all hours of the day or night.

The way I took the "people here, etc." statement was that the poster was referring to fellow expats rather than the population in general.  In that case, it's true since many are experiencing age related diminished vision at night, making driving more difficult.

Last edited by gringal on Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:37 am; edited 2 times in total

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:33 am

Clete wrote:
CHILLIN wrote:
Clete wrote:
CHILLIN wrote:  people here do not like to drive at night.  

Where do you come up with this bullshit?

Why do you insist on convincing us that you are an angry, old crunk? First of all, a lot of people's night vision is impaired after 60, second of all, we are talking about driving full velocity on the highway, not sneaking around the back streets to get in a last round in at the American Legion.

Why do you insist on making ridiculous statements like the one I quoted? First of all, when you say "people here" you do realize that gringos over 60 make up a miniscule percentage of the population. Have you ever driven the periferico in Guadalajara at 4:30 am? If you had you would realize that people here drive at all hours of the day or night.

I think he meant people in his neighborhood of Chapala Haciendas not people in general.

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by Clete Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:48 am

Clete wrote:
The way I took the "people here, etc." statement was that the poster was referring to fellow expats rather than the population in general.  In that case, it's true since many are experiencing age related diminished vision at night, making driving more difficult.

Then what is so difficult about articulating his thought?

Actually that way of thinking, as in chillin's post, is exactly the "gringocentric" attitude of many foreigners around here. Constant referrals to being "shaken down" or that everything done by the government, be it law enforcement or other, is aimed at screwing *"the people". The checkpoints are very common in Guadalajara. They aren't set up to shake down anyone.

*chillin's definition.

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by Trailrunner Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:16 am

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by CHILLIN Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:19 am

Who cares about Guadalajara? Not me, I have been there twice in five years. If it is another five years before I visit again - perfectly O.K. with that. It is an ugly, mixed up city, with insurmountable infrastructure problems. Why do you think so many Tapatios enjoy Lakeside?

With reliable Costco and Amazon delivery - Guadalajara is not even on the radar anymore.

Once again, did you not notice that the DUI teams are specially trained women? That's not "shaking down" - that is good judgement.
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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by gringal Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:25 am

Clete wrote:
gringal wrote:
Clete wrote:
The way I took the "people here, etc." statement was that the poster was referring to fellow expats rather than the population in general.  In that case, it's true since many are experiencing age related diminished vision at night, making driving more difficult.

Then what is so difficult about articulating his thought?

Actually that way of thinking, as in chillin's post, is exactly the "gringocentric"  attitude of many foreigners around here. Constant referrals to being "shaken down" or that everything done by the government, be it law enforcement or other, is aimed at screwing *"the people". The checkpoints are very common in Guadalajara. They aren't set up to shake down anyone.

*chillin's definition.

Speaking of "articulation", how about getting your quotes right, as in who said what?  Example above.

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:51 am

Well let's just lock this one before it needs to be moved to the Octagon.

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DUI Roadblocks - Page 5 Empty Re: DUI Roadblocks

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